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Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
I wake this morning still
wishing for sleep,
there is a strange hue in the air,
I find it suffocating.
I go about my day but my head is heavy,
the weight of it makes my shoulders ache
and my shins cramp.
It's strange how in this blue mood
the ocean waves don't soothe
but crash in assault
and the sand's too hot beneath my toes,
the sun seems to smirk its happiness
and the clouds too white, seem to form
shapes that smile.
Nature argues my gloominess, but I argue back,
I see not pretty shells, but sharp edges,
I see grass too wet with dew,
that'll leave stains.
People on the pavement seem to wither
on my approach,
they see it in me,
this gangrene infliction of bitterness
that offers only isolation,
and they back away with fear.
I head home counting cracks
in the pavement, and I lay my sorry
head back on a pillow,
too hard,
and pray that tomorrow
upon waking.........
its feathers don't poke through.
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
We are never given the hour,
when all words that needed to be spoken,
were told to be said.

That hour passes by and we are taken to
another time, another hour,
spent mourning loved ones.

Your time stopped at 2am....

now I'm left grieving, not only for you
but those lost words, those lost moments,

stolen by the clock
that no longer chimes.
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
My time with you has come to an end,
It's time to say goodbye my beautiful friend.
You were my confidant, my ear,
A shoulder for my tears,
My insanity, my sane,
My sun when there was rain,
My laughter, my fears,
You held through the years
And though this battle fought, is lost
My memories of you are forever embossed
For I know we will never truly be apart
When I need you here, I'll just place my hand on my heart
I'll look to the sky and see you there
Search my memories, that with you I share
And Although I wish this day had not come
I know now you're at peace, your pain now numbed

Au revoir my beautiful friend, Allison.
I'll love you now and always
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
Truth hesitates in distraction
for scents of yesterday
leave whispered hues
that stain my teacups

I sip parts of you
infused forever within china bone

chamomile symphonies
belie your absence
for I waltz with you always
in tranquil dawns pause......
prompt: Linger 50 words
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
There should have been love involved
but it was only ever about mind control
Who is that, why are they calling now?
500 hundred questions ending in a row

it should have been an indication.....

Going out with you beside me
dressed to the nines, your devotee
Get up to dance, your not amused
others watching, **** accused

it should have been an indication.....

Money spent on groceries, grilled
Medicine bills, car refuelled
so I could affirm I did not betray,
receipts expected every day

it should have been an indication.....

head through the windscreen of the car
because I spoke with someone at the bar
you never loved, you only chastised
your jealousy had never been well disguised

now I know your reality.
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
Your promised me once, of butterfly dreams
Mountains of comfort and loves gentle streams
to hold my hand as we aged through the years
to gather me in your arms and shadow my fears

you lied...

your promise of love, comfort and affection
came burrowing down in a shower of rejection
fists to the face, painting me black and blue
our children watching on, fears all they knew

for years I remained, hiding your shame
the ridicule, the judgement, all part of your game
beaten down by your angers infliction
I could see no escape from my own crucifixion

but I did..

and today I look back on all the hurt and the pain
I forgive and lie to rest your restricting constrain
I never thought I would find a Love I deserved
but I have and my sentence with you is now served.

Au revoir to my past
Bonjour to my future
Kylie Jensen Nov 2015
Custodians of death now hold me captor
I shall not grieve for this final chapter
I'll embrace his arms and close my eyes
and bid my loves, my final goodbyes

Life has not been all good blessings
many days I've spent obsessing
over painful scars that left me sorrowful
and the ones I've caused that leave me shameful

I've now given grace to my transgressions
accepted freedom through my own confessions
forget this life and all it's frailty
and sail eternal winds of tranquillity

Leave me now to breathe my last
take me where I have no past
roaming through our constellations
awaiting my next destination
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