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1.1k · Jan 2019
Kristina Tan Jan 2019
He was a stranger,
a man unknown.

He became a companion,
turned into lover.

His only failure came unexpected,
a secret discovered.

He was a stranger,
a man uncovered.
848 · Jan 2019
Happy Unbirthday
Kristina Tan Jan 2019
When you turned two,
they dressed you up like a princess,
they put cake in front of you
for you to destroy with your tiny hands.
Everyone thought of how cute you were.

When you turned eight,
mom brought Burger King
for the entire class.
The fries smelled of simple pleasures.
Everyone thought of how cool you were.

When you turned thirteen,
girls night in was the thing.
Homemade face masks, prank phone calls,
followed by pizza and junk food.
Everyone thought of how fun you were.

When you turned eighteen,
your friends picked you up,
at midnight.
You stop by 7-11,
to buy a Black n Mild and a lotto ticket.
You thought of how mature you were.

When you turned twenty-one,
everyone cared to wish you well.
Margaritas on the house,
celebrations made to be forgotten.
You thought of how life has only just begun.

When you turned twenty-eight,
there were no presents to be expected.
Cancellations, excuses, and "sorry"
filled the day.
You thought of - "Who do I matter to anymore?"

Happy Unbirthday to Me
Turning another year older makes you really think more about life and who your real friends are.
825 · Nov 2020
A Tribute to My Best Friend
Kristina Tan Nov 2020
You strike my heart from time to time,
Little things I hear, I see, reminds me of you.

You rest in my soul and I feel the swishing of your tail,
from time to time.
Never have I ever lost anyone as meaningful as you.

You are not human,
but since the beginning of our time together,
you've always been more human than the next "you".

From time to time,
friends and family betrayed me,
but I always had someone to count on, you.

There was a time before you,
yes I remember.
They were never as whole without you.

There has been time after your paw prints left this Earth,
but I hope to see you again one day, as all dogs go to Heaven.
Coming home will never be as joyful without you.

Thinking of you from time to time, almost all the time.
There will never be another one like you,
my magnificent Maxxmillion.
He's been on my mind lately, the smartest, sweetest, cutest dog I've ever known to this day. May he R.I.P since 05/2019. <3
720 · Mar 2021
Plunging into the Unknown
Kristina Tan Mar 2021
At first you wanted to dive right in.
I was the hesitant one.
But you were persistent
until you won.

It was easy for you to draw me in.
Always hypnotizing me
with those baby blues.
You always made my heart free.

Sometimes we argue, of course.
But somehow, we always manage
to stay on course.

Lately things are getting more serious.
But when people ask us,
for some reason we like to be mysterious.

Am I nervous about the unknown?
Absolutely, it terrifies me...
But I hope I'm not alone.
When you aren't sure of what's going to happen next...
561 · Feb 2019
Sea and Love
Kristina Tan Feb 2019
The sea continuously conveys
an endless journey
that lies
before us.

The vast unknown,
awaiting exploration.

Much like love,
both remain unpredictable.
Yet the rewards
are undeniable.

Is the open ocean
and its beauty worth
the risks?
Is the spark ignited
by your heart
worth the pain?

The answers will remain
a mystery,
until you plunge in
to make
A friend told me I should try writing happy poems.. this counts right?
376 · Feb 2019
No More "Us"
Kristina Tan Feb 2019
You still wonder,
what time I get home,
who I was with,
what I was doing.

You ask these questions,
like you're still my partner,
my lover,
my one and only.

Yet you are no longer entitled to.
You made the choice,
to let me go,
to betray me,
to let me down.

I made the mistake.
By sharing,
my night adventures,
late shenanigans.

I succumbed to answer to you.
Because I know you worry.
I know you care.

It comes off as a judgment now,
a scolding,
a lecture.

There is no "us" anymore.
Time to keep my lips sealed,
shut in time,
lock and keyed.
When you share things with your ex and you realized you've said too much.

— The End —