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Keyana Brown Apr 2017
I can't help it
I can't take it...

Who's looking
at me now?

I am sobbing
I am throbbing

Who can stop the
rain from falling?

I just...can't stop

Tears, Tears
go away!
I want to be
with the Lord

Tears, Tears
back away
please let me
be happy again.

I don't want
to cry anymore
because I cause
such a storm.

Where's my hope
Where's my faith?

I can't let my
emotions take
me away!

It's time for
the survival
so I shall get
my bible.

No more shackles,
I'm ready to tackle
the enemy!

*Tears, Tears
back away
please let me
be happy again.
Keyana Brown Mar 2017
Is it me or
is it the devil?
I think that...
I may be evil.
I have broke
my way into
deep trouble.

Is it me or
am I negative?
The squandering
of my thoughts
lead me into a
nasty situation.

Is it me or
am I selfish?
I'm so attached
to myself to the
point where I
start to hate...

Is it me that
started this
I'm confused
right now
and it's
killing me!

I should
tell my
to leave.
Keyana Brown Mar 2017
What's wrong with you humans?
You have water in your eyes!
Stop that!?
Please don't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

Don't look at me like that
with those droopy eyes!
Don't worry about me
I'll be fine just...
don't look at me
with those...
basset hound eyes.

Do you remember
the good old days?
Where I clang my dish bowl
every single day
or the time we took long walks
around the neighborhood
as the neighbors smiled
and began to talk.

Do you remember,
when I was attacked by a hawk
and y'all came to rescue me ?
I was so in pain that I couldn't even talk
I could've died,
but I didn't
Didn't I?

Therefore y'all
shouldn't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

These memories will never die
and neither will mine.
God knows that it's time
So please don't cry
not with those
basset hound eyes.

Before I leave
promise me
that all of you
will never forget me.
This is a way of life
and I must go now
It's my...time.

Therefore y'all
shouldn't cry
not with those...

**I love y'all and let God
be your guide.
Don't worry I will always
be by your side
R.I.P Oscar Brown 2004-2017
Keyana Brown Mar 2017
The world is silent
my mind turns vilolent
there is so much noise
that it can't be quiet!

As the rhythum of words
began humming inside my ear
saying different things
that arent clear.

Was that a rumor?
water engulfs inside my ears
It's that a gossip I ponder?
Oh no,
Not another rumor!

Oh, dear...

All those words clogged inside
I said nothing ,but nod
Those words filled up my ear
and its hard for me to hear...
except these rumors.

*This I fear.
Keyana Brown Feb 2017
Here you go again
getting on about
Talking about
that townhouse.

I felt like a caged mouse
there's a way in, but...
no way out.

Blood stained walls
Cracked floors
Should I say more!?
Creepy neighbors
Meddling bugs
Enough, now hush!

Why the townhouse?!
Why the townhouse?!

Just why?

Thinking about that house
gives me nightmares
don't you want our family safe?
Do you even care?

A townhouse where
a husband and wife
wish for more money
and not enjoying life
where the children
are spoiled rotten
and they cry
all the time.

So stop mentioning
that townhouse
one more word
and you are out
Where we are now
is perfectly fine
don't say it again
don't waste my time.

*I'll stay and live here
because I'm nourished
You can go out there
as I watch you...
flourish...back into
the townhouse.
There is a lot things that says about you and it's not just your personality. It's your house and if you don't like where your at don't hesitate to leave.
Keyana Brown Feb 2017
When I was little girl,
I cried so many times
that every teardrop of rain
would fall of my eyes.

When I was an adolescent
I couldn't stop crying at all.
Bodies of water came running
down like the Niagara Falls.

By the time I was an adult
a drought appeared in my eyes
I felt no guilt or shame
but I still feel sad inside.

The cracks beneath my skin
forms a desert upon my face
My emotions are fighting me
there is a part of me that I can't erase.

The waterfall has formed
as the water absorb the soil
That's it I'm done
I'm no longer living in turmoil!

And as I hear the Spirit of the Lord say:
"They that sown tears shall reap in joy."
Even after all these years
why didn't I think this way?
My tears won't  bring me down
as of today.

For there is joy in the morning
after every tear sown
because God does great works
Therefore in this situation
I am never alone.
Keyana Brown Feb 2017
When there's a will
there is a way
Don't be confuse
it's all in the brain
No, you're not insane!
just keep going...
your life is at stake.

You ask yourself if it's safe
to go through tomorrow
without having any regret
or sorrow...
we should hope for the best
because if you reap
you will sow
and like a plant
you will grow.

How can we go on?
As the flames burn our confidence
and strip away our happiness
its our job to fight through it!
if the devil took our prize pocessions
shouldn't we make our way to go retrieve it?
And if God says he'll make a way
for all your circumtances
to fade away,
shouldn't we give him more chances
than the one's that failed
to keep our promises
that was made?

There is no curse or spell
to prevent our way of living
if we live through this
our problems will be less deceving
As we can all tell
because nobody
should go through
I'm back from my uneased mind. ;-)
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