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 Oct 2014 kaycog
Full moon
 Oct 2014 kaycog
I do not know what is worse
to feel
or not to feel at all

I do not know what is worse
to love
or not to love at all

I do not know what is worse
to cry
or not to cry at all

 Oct 2014 kaycog
andy fardell
Black has a taste
All bitter and foul
It burns through your heart
And feeds on your soul

Flavoured to take you
To strip out your whole
The colour of sadness
A beautiful cruel

Each day it will seek you
Come ready to feed
The darkest of nightmares
A taste of true greed
 Oct 2014 kaycog
Shes the girl
Sitting in the back of the book store
reading old stories
everybody else ignores

If you take
the time to ask her name
She wont answer you right away
for she trades with the characters on every page
and cant always remember which she claims

On the outside
Shes looks shy and recluse
and you notice she never notices you
Thinking something must be wrong with her
But my dear, if only you knew

In her mind
Shes dreaming, dancing, and laughing
So lost in all her sweet adventures
In her own little world
where everything is beautiful
 Oct 2014 kaycog
 Oct 2014 kaycog
I love rain,
Bask in it, Bathe in it, shake in it,
Yesterday I danced in it.
Martie watched me,
Took a break from football,
Screamed when I saw her,
Haha, then I ran up the hill.
Laid in it, wade in it,
Get rid of my jade in it.

Someday I'll move,
To the desert,
And miss it,
Or to the rainforest,
And get sick of it
Better soak in all I can now
 Oct 2014 kaycog
Chelle Quezon
The blue skies you see
Was the gray skies for me.
Tell me I'm colour blind
But no! That's the emptiness inside me.

My shadow in the mirror
That's the blurred charrade of my life.
Horrible wounded girl
Whole life was trash and ******.

Teribble breakdown it is.
Just wanna be free from this chains.

I want it to be treated like illness.
Need to recover and be okay within days.
 Oct 2014 kaycog
A cloud of deception lingers on
Blind devotion and simple mindedness
Attacking evil they become evil
Building weapons out of unkindness
Their compassion is but a whisper
Their hatred a shrill shrieking scream
That’s heard from every mountaintop
Every valley in between

This wisdom is built upon
Interpretations of ancient words
It’s all so contradictive
And dangerously absurd
It’s okay to hate evil
Yet evil is a product of hate
It’s all in the name of some loving god
Who lacks the ability to tolerate?

The only thing I know to be real
Is that the enemy is the hate that we all feel…
Traveler Tim
re to 05-17
 Oct 2014 kaycog
Thank You
 Oct 2014 kaycog
Does she know the words hit
like a sudden explosion of colour,
blue, green, red.

I am curled in a mother's arms again,
feel like a child,
and my eyes well up.

No one has ever reached me
the way you did
with your such sweet
simple words.
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