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Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Camping dream
Katie Aug 2014
Cats tail reminds me of an ice-cream cone balloon ride in the sea. then I'm jailed within a makeup case scratching the insides. break a nail. find a secret passage and jump out to the stream of fishes going to the north to meet Eddie, who will trade you a potato for a dreamcatcher.
Best dream ever.
Aug 2014 · 445
Katie Aug 2014
Almost impossible at times
But it need not be painful

A smile behind a teacup
Everything will turn out fine

Women who hear this fall in love with me
And the bane of my existence
Because girls rarely travel alone
Before the lights come on

O my people.
Scared and defenseless
In this garden in between rocks
Keep our experiences warm, full of promise
And with the strong undercurrent
That takes you home
Aug 2014 · 324
Lost in thought
Katie Aug 2014
Contemplating circulating this room.
but that's much too dull
it has yellow walls that remind me of bananas
like that song?
music here is like a child grasping a foreign hand
unknown to those who doubt her plan
she that towers and controls
empowered and she knows
that you don't always keep your manners tight
against your side
sometimes, we know that you forget
and sometimes you let yourself fall down
and get *****, for the fun of it.
All the while wishing she would grab you,
so you could let your mind go awry.
Aug 2014 · 503
Katie Aug 2014
Conquer fallen history
stormed dry and fierce
through desert wind
fire. in eyes placed sideways
through the looking bass that
time slipped through and melded
future dreams of ladders climbing down and
falling into holes dug deep in mud black
smoke straining breath
in lifes desires to
scream on paper and dance in rain
naked steam, fire flies
from fugitive minds imprisoned within
bars of mangled plastic that twisted you wicked to conform
can you hear the
words flowing softly from parted lips
whisper secrets to the earth
that holds our faith and rains with passion of a sun that burns the shackled hand who holds the pen that showed the man that life is near an end so save your place in line for time is closing in on walls beneath the surface of your eyes that shimmer in demise
and lies of peace and love, of happiness.
freedom comes with malcontent
and tears have stained your judgement
Aug 2014 · 346
Katie Aug 2014
Questions cloud my common sense,
which usually helps me out in these situations
and i want to run away
and escape this fated infidelity
dangling helplessly from a limp noose that sneers
at me. laughing at my insecurity
my inability to cope with the blows
that life keeps dealing me
i need a break
a chance to breath
to sort these apathetic voices in my head.
and reclaiming myself
and I have no plans
really, of going anywhere just now.
Aug 2014 · 313
Beloved Eyes Behold
Katie Aug 2014
Seek a love like heaven,
a love seeks heaven like,
a love that heaven seeks
Aug 2014 · 633
Katie Aug 2014
Midnight souls collide
in an omniscient wave of misty rage
worries cloud the fretting mind
days with pale grey wind storms
and ominous evening stars
waking dreams atop a cloud
to fulfill a dying wish

overcomes the molded sky
shatters clouds like littered glass
broke skin bleeds
red until you fix the wound
the past will never heal itself
unfed mouths. scream.
tired hands. greed. your
turn to cry. a soul drowns
in questions. change is
good when understood but
if not confusion rots
a stagnant mind. liquid
everything melting at the
top of a thought is crazy.
everything unreal becomes
something unknown. until today
everyone showed their face
and secrets.
to be unveiled at the hands of victims.
we want vengeance. but
happiness now would be a dream
smiles and love
with ease. in the middle
of this tempest is an
eye of despair. a calm in the air of time, where
everything forgets the other purpose
silence overcomes
and all is gone.
until tomorrows sun.
Aug 2014 · 283
Shadow Life
Katie Aug 2014
In dark light we move like shadows
floating past  forgotten tombs
voices echo in our heads
like thunder veins in mother's womb
Leaving tears of bitter love and
Dreamers wish of sleep
Some will pass of loneliness
and the rest of us
will weep
Aug 2014 · 377
Katie Aug 2014
Missing something constant
but gone unnoticed
soul lost in part
words dripped down my brain
flowing gracefully into
insightful rambles I didn't realize
were my own until I paused
and opened my eyes
That which was, always will be
if embraced and nourished
Fuel the desire and the inspiration will innocense.
No demise of the muse only
perceptions draped in reality,
Unveil the unhindered force of your imagination.
Never created no destroyed
but often overlooked
I am this, never was or will be.
Don't forget the beauty of innocence
Embrace the pure and tainted
Cleanse, renew, remember
Recite your dreams
of unencumbered peace.
Aug 2014 · 971
A Literate Minds
Katie Aug 2014
Miscommunication, dislocation, and the dumb
underestimating figuration, makes me numb
stagnant fluctuation, indication that I'm done
confusion, complication, confrontation, have i won?
Over powered, under fueled, restless worries scar
anger, enemies, fear and pain, never will be far
Procrastination, contemplation, the dying and the dead
These thoughts are overflowing, never going from my head
trouble, logic, life
Aug 2014 · 712
Ripple of Swans
Katie Aug 2014
Impressions on the surface
nearly never right at all
Liars talk of enemies to
feel they're ten feet tall
The truth between the said and done
is few and far between
I do not take to heart your tales
for I feel of it no need
If you said it to affect me
to see my rage, a fear, or cry
Your efforts, child
are useless here
Not but a ripple of
the pond
Aug 2014 · 270
Shrinking Worlds
Katie Aug 2014
My anxieties go up in smoke with the smoldering
once green embers
burning my hand
stop dead in my tracks, ghost voices reminding me
of words that cut through my everything, and left
me stumbling, confused, clutching my head,
trying to regain my balance and waiting for
the world to stop spinning like water down
a long clear drain
clutching at straws
hoping and praying and wondering
what will become of me in this torrent
of unfortunate events
rendered useless and helpless and flawed
my worst ideas about myself confirmed
and i wonder if its worth it
if i can overcome this
if i can land on my feet after this
because it feels
Katie Aug 2014
The elementals are back.
to return us to the basics.
God remind us of our origins.
Who you created us to be.
The universe is concentric circles meeting,
and building infinitely .
for His Purpose

Look to your conscience.
That still small space inside of you.
What is it, exactly?

I feel it

It is all you have ever known

cast out the past.
in all of it's meager, worthless ways.
were are here
to en light ten, to show the light in you.
to show you the way
to love
to joy
to success.
if you would only take down your umbrellas
take off your hates
your hats

god made you perfect
your body is a vessel for love
it is designed of and for only love
love your neighbors, they are your friends, your inspiration, your joy
your portal to all that is good and true
REJOICE in the power of  word,

cast out your demons
clean your holy homes of god
and your body will be a beautiful poem of truth,
happiness.truth is
we dwell in heaven
open your eyes
use your REAL EYES
the truth, the love
open your holy books
recognize the power
revere the power

God is one
god is us
god is in you and me
get together, honor his beauty
the trees, the leaves, the flowers, the grass the birds
***, creation
do the right thing
propel this towards beauty
propel this awesome love towards what it was meant to be
the past has no power here
it cannot compete with what we have now
no more
anger, hatred, jealousy, gluttony, evil, laziness, ignorance, deaf ears
because truth hears
look up, see the beauty
walk in grace
embrace who you are
you goddesses and gods,
you right hands of Jesus,
sacrifice your vice

you are not of this world
you are of god
and god only has the power to create
it is him who only creates
and now he is us, he is us taking the power back from darkness
to bring people to light
to bring people to love
to bring people to creation
rejoice, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, my mothers, my fathers, my grandfathers, the ancestors of your kin, the skin you are in is only because of him, because of his power
his mystery
his grand design has brought this thunderstorm of love
to cleanse us of all bad things
and only see good and light and love

we have wings
we have feet of flames that will banish demons
we have immeasurable power granted to us by God
and the holy spirit of love and life
you feel it inside of you every time you do good
every time you honor your good instincts you are honoring God
every time you feed someone hungry
every time you see a sad child and tell them a joke, a childs laughter gives wings to the angels
see it
believe it
you know it in your heart of hearts
it was built into you.

Honor it, bless it in everything that you do say and feel

honor the earth, the rainbows of light and love
we are coming for you
we will show you the true path
happiness is all there is
you dwell in heaven in all that is beautiful and true
open your eyes
you will see, my children, there is nothing to fear
Hey, men!

— The End —