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2.7k · Oct 2018
Kathryn Oct 2018
A young women took her life
Just down the street
A child in the school yard
Found her hanging from a tree...
2 brothers got into another fight
one stabbed the other over drugs
Blood stained the doors
He banged on for help...
6 shots broke the silence of the night
Some how he's still alive
Laid on the road I'm so familiar with
With bullets in his head....
This place I grew up is changing
maybe I'm more aware
Violence all around
Where does it end...
children arrested for selling drugs
*** trafficking
Police raids
In the last year I've seen it all...
I refuse to give up hope
This world I've brought my child into
it can be a beautiful place
Love can overcome hate...
Needs editing... might delete later.... just a few things that have happened in my neighborhood in the past year
1.3k · Jun 2016
Days Like Today
Kathryn Jun 2016
Days like today I miss you the most
When it hurts inside and I have no one to talk to.
Today’s hard my anxieties  crippling
I can feel it in the core of my chest
Spreading outward to my fingertips,toes,even the ends of my hair
I considered ripping the strains from my head
But what does that accomplish?
Nothing but bald spots and more regrets  
The poisons already in my veins
We both know its a **** up in my head
Just a chemical **** up...
That's what I try and remind myself
On days like today...
976 · Oct 2018
It's crazy
Kathryn Oct 2018
It's crazy
You came into my life
So quickly things changed
My life found purpose
Every moment of pain
Id experience again and again
If I had know you were waiting
I felt your movement before anyone
Loved you before I laid eyes on you
It's crazy
I never would have thought
I'd feel this way
Sleepless nights are worth it
Something I would never say before
Your my everything
I cry as I rock you to sleep
This love I have for this tiny human
It's crazy
845 · Jan 2014
Two Tiny Pills
Kathryn Jan 2014
Two tiny pills redish brown like rust
taken about an hour before I wish to drift off
and forget about the days troubles.  
They control my dreams
allow me to sleep, unbothered
by the monsters screaming in my head
Two tiny pills 25mg a piece
I swallow almost effortlessly
letting the chemicals take effect
the sounds of chaos are soon drowned out
by the waves of calm
I can sleep now thanks to
Two Tiny Pills helps me sleep
771 · Jan 2014
Your Sweater
Kathryn Jan 2014
I found your sweater today
The last item I have of yours
It was hidden away under the bed
I must have missed it when I was packing your things
It was just a small box
I never came for my stuff do you still have it?
I held your sweater close
It still smells like you
It’s like you’re still here with me
But I can’t let myself think like that
It ended for a reason
Do you want the sweater back?
Maybe I won’t tell you I have it
Pull it out on the nights I miss you most
When the darkness seems too deep
No if you don't want it back
It’s going up in flames!
Just like our future
Nothing left but ashes
Nothing left but memories
I found your sweater today
And it’s.......
******* destroying me
603 · Jan 2014
It was never meant to be
Kathryn Jan 2014
The moment when it all crashed down
When something needed to change
Heartbreaking or empowering
Oceans of madness waded threw
So many words so many memories
To just walk away would it be right?
Sometimes its bitter other times its sweet
Do I stay to watch us destroy ourselves or
Turn my back on everything
Forget every moment every wish
Start again paint it white
It really is that easy this time
I owe you nothing
You owe me the world
But I think I'm willing to pretend
It was all a misunderstanding
Things will never be the same
Please don't think they will
Too much hurt to many bruises
To just let it all start again
You will never know
The times I prayed things would change
But Love I’ve come to see
It was never meant  to be
588 · Jan 2014
Im Numb
Kathryn Jan 2014
There's a time when there's no feeling
I'm numb
The blanket of darkness returns
There’s no hope here
All the paths
Lead to the same damnation
No light at the end
Is it something I’ve done in the past?
Do I deserve this pain?
Alone in the black of night
I find comfort in a blade
I find peace with the blood
With each drop I can feel again
573 · Jan 2014
The Cut
Kathryn Jan 2014
There's something deep inside of me
a poison, invisible its clear
I can feel it start to spread threw
The spiderweb of veins
Just below my pale skin
The thin blue paths it follows
That's where the problem lies
I have a cure, as dark as it may be
Pure and clean
That's what I will be
I hide away in the shadows
Pretend that its alright
But the moment I have the chance
I will make myself right
This isn't new
Its almost a routine
Close the door
You'll soon be pure
Unwrap the blade
Clean the skin
There's nothing left but...
The Cut
its rough, its been along time since I have wrote anything.....
Kathryn Jan 2014
While the Rain hits the windows
I fight to conceal the emotions
I dare not try and understand
When I start to believe
I might be okay
Reality crashes back on me
I feel it begin to spread
And I freeze in the moment
There is no help for me
This sickness will never leave
Lifelong enemies
The highs the lows the moments
Where nothing seems real
When ideas are stars
Countless and beautiful
These are the most dangerous times
When I need to feel pure
Clean and untouched
Reaching for a solution
That only haunts me further
Sliver, sharp unforgiving
Relief shouldn’t make you bleed
A razorblade my salvation
Hidden away for nights like tonight
The blood will cleanse my thoughts
While the rain hits the windows.....
507 · Feb 2014
Coping Mechanism
Kathryn Feb 2014
I can fake a smile so perfect I can lie to your face
While at night I’m bleeding because I can’t seem to cry
Beautiful red tears contaminated with self hate
Press a little harder, bleed a little longer
Dizziness but no regret maybe this time it will end
Bottle it up hold it close then place it with the others
Close that door and forget the shame for a little while
Empty medication bottles litter my the bedroom floor
Just a reminder I’m really as ****** up as I think
Sitting there praying it will end a Strange calm returns
Clarity at last, Relax. Clean up I’m going to survive
This isn’t the first time, this won’t be the last
I’ve turned to a frightening, potentially deadly
Coping mechanism
I'm not really sure I'm finished with this....
471 · Apr 2014
I Care...
Kathryn Apr 2014
Haunted by the memories of the days gone by
A family destroyed by addiction and lies
Nothing left but shadows and spider webs
Contact cut off by distance or by choice
Illness now makes me wish we were closer
Blaming myself for the time wasted between us
Even though no one is to shame
Things just turned out the way they did
Our paths were only meant to cross for moments
Please forgive me that I’m not broken over this
It’s hurting me more that I’m fighting to care
Understand it’s hard for me
You were Never there even though I tired
Cried so many tears because I didn’t understand
That it had nothing to do with me
Right now you’re fighting to stay alive
Tears have yet to find my eyes I’m scared
What happens if they never come?
Is this really the end?
Questions only time can tell while we wait
Destroying ourselves and self medicating
Ripped apart because we should have been close
Family should never be the cause of pain
Reasons for nightmares under clear skies
You always hurt the ones you love
Only because they care.......
Tonight.....I think I care....
467 · Oct 2018
My baby
Kathryn Oct 2018
In a few short months you changed me
Took my world and turned it around
Everything in life seemed worth it
the moment I found out you existed
The struggles and depression
I'd go through them all again
if I knew I would hold you
Watch you sleep
Hear your laugh
I've never felt a love so deep
I'd do anything to keep you safe
Your my everything
my baby
My life
I can't explain how my life changed the moment I found out I was pregnant, or the moment I first held him
459 · Mar 2016
Tonight's different
Kathryn Mar 2016
I feel different tonight
It took awhile to get this way
strokes of a paintbrush helped
But the paint was only red
A flash of silver at the start
a slight sting
it's been awhile, I missed this.
Watching the beautiful droplets
caress the sides of the jar
I can't help but smile
Tonights different
Im working on this....
456 · Feb 2014
Night Time
Kathryn Feb 2014
Night time is always the hardest
There is always a loneliness I can't explain
Darkness lets the mind wander
To all the places we never see in the light
Voices call to me
There words I'm unable to understand
At times I hear them talking
My name is in their conversation
But the rest is lost to the wind
Are these the friends I've been hoping for?
It's still cold in February
No flowers the unseen say
Everything will stay dead in a never ending winter
Bitter sweet
Everything stays frozen
There's no suffering
But there's no love either
I think I can stay here
No one would notice
The disappearance of a shadow
Into the night time
420 · Jan 2014
Through the night
Kathryn Jan 2014
If you only knew
The times I’ve cried myself to sleep
Covered in blood
After fighting with myself
I could feel it just below the skin
Frustration, anger, regret
Take the blade
Make each cut count
Don’t rush
For a single moment
Everything’s alright
Watch the blood drip
Clean it up
Do it again
Do it until I’m calm
Until I feel alive again
Until I know I’ll be okay
That I’ll make it through the night
every night for me...
389 · Jan 2014
(untitled at the moment)
Kathryn Jan 2014
Haunted dreams
Every night I fear sleep
Fighting myself to stay awake
They wait in the dark
Hide in the walls
Strange shapes unfamiliar forms
Grotesque figures
Awake to the panic
Screaming into the night
Tears, shaking, cold
Remind yourself
None of its real....
God it seems so real
Curl back up
You need to sleep
Only hours left
Until the sun rises
384 · Jan 2019
one month
Kathryn Jan 2019
I'm not sure how to feel
I'm haunted still
Seeing you laying there
So still so cold....dead
I never expected to lose you
My head is still in a daze
I keep doing what I can
what I think would make you proud
I'm sober still even tho
I tell you that day I could
Have thrown it all away
what kind of thanks would that have been to you tho
Everything you did to help me
The time and effort put forward
Just for me throw it all away
I cried, I sobbed, I even laughed
I stayed sober because of you
I always wanted
to make you proud
And in that moment
I know I did
I miss you. I love you. I'm lost right now but I'm doing what I can. Day by day. You really threw us for a loop. So unexpected so unprepared
370 · Jan 2014
Kathryn Jan 2014
There are thousands of tiny pieces to me
I’m not whole at all
I’ve been broken and remolded so many times
I don’t recognize myself anymore
Every time I make a cut
Every time you rose you’re hard
Bits were broken tears were shed
A fragile being in the hands of a storm
Excepted the hand of fate
Take the razor clean and sharp
Make the changes needed
Maybe piece by pieces one day I'll carve
The person I want to be
sometimes.....I just want out....
359 · Jan 2014
Paint a white room red
Kathryn Jan 2014
It’s cold when you’re lonely
The sun never seems to warm any part of my body
I miss having someone care about the little things
The things that now matter most
I never would have guessed it would come to this
A time where I really can see ending it all
Sometimes I wonder if it’s me, Am I the one to blame?
It’s dark inside my head most times
I can fake a smile well
Pretend everything is perfect
That I don’t spend all my time alone
The truth of the matter is, there’s no one there at all
Every day I wonder if anyone would care
That I could hurt myself so easy
Without a worry without despair
When night falls in hour’s time
Ill paint a white room red
343 · Feb 2014
Continue to survive
Kathryn Feb 2014
I'm haunted
A few billion failures laid out before me
Winter freezes the landscape
Like heartbreak stops the blood from beating warm
We are drowning in false hope
Fake love and Lies
Nothings real anymore
Not even the cuts that mark your corpse
Mutilated attempts to make whatever it is inside stop
Maybe even to **** the pain
Clouds hide the sun
Even on the clearest day
We all struggle to survive in the wasteland
We have created
The future we leave to our children
If your useless forms continue to exist
Continue to survive...
Kathryn Nov 2018
Please sleep my baby
It's 2am
Your sweet smile
The way you look at me
I can't be angry with you
Please sleep my baby
I'm so tired
There's nothing wrong
Your clean warm and fed
It's not time to play
Please sleep my baby
I swear the sun will rise soon
How can you have so much energy
Are you laughing at me?
God I love you, but
Please sleep my baby
I'm so tired.... The babe won't sleep.... he's laughing at me....
321 · Sep 2018
I wish....
Kathryn Sep 2018
There's a scar written on my soul
Your name forever etched on my heart
I don't think you will ever know
How much I tried to help
I wish I could have saved you
From the darkness that lingered and the pain that clung so deep
I've gone through so much since the last time we spoke
I'm a mother now, something we both know I never expected. I'm cherishing these moments of innocence
hoping that we will speak again praying to an unseen force that your safe and finally happy
I miss you
I refuse to believe you took your own life. You are to good of a person
I miss you. Please find me show me a sign.
314 · Feb 2014
Kathryn Feb 2014
An emptiness as dark as the night sky
Grips my heart while I think about you
Alone under the same endless space
Looking up at the same sparkling stars
I find comfort in a razors edge
Guilt is an overwhelming sensation
I would rather not live with
Promises made with broken hope
That one day we won’t need to hurt
One day everything will be alright again
Tears salty like oceans of emotion
Unspoken spirals unseen by others
Felt deep within my core and flowing in my veins
Medications just sedate the mind
Allow me to forget the both of us
Before falling into a dreamless sleep
I pray to a god I'm not sure exists
That if I can never be happy fine
Just allow your heart to heal
Tonight let’s close our eyes and forget
The lives we want to leave behind
311 · Mar 2014
I Miss You
Kathryn Mar 2014
I’ve never wanted anything more
Then to be lying next to you
Tonight I miss our embrace
Tangled together in a mess of sheets
Blankets weren’t needed to keep us warm
I could hear your heart beating in your chest
For a moment I believed it beat only for me
You could always protect me
From the demons in my head
While tonight I’m alone and the shadows creep in
I reach across the bed to where you used to be
Greeted only by the softness of the blanket
I long to fall asleep in your arms again
Shielded from the nightmares of my mind
Curl up with your sweater and close my eyes
Your here with me as long as I’m like this
Tears soak the material
I’m sorry I promise Ill wash it
But for now were together and that all that matters
Even if it’s all in my head
I miss you.....
Kathryn Jan 2016
I hurt more than usual today
Thinking back on the conversations we had
About nothing more than our lives
Your Hopes
My dreams
We shared them with each other
My fears
Your demons
I find myself returning
To the place we spent our hours talking
Knowing you won't be returning
Doesn't end my constant yearning for your presence
So many unanswered questions
I still talk with you
Only now I listen to what you say
Threw my heart not my ears
Our Conversations are still as endless as always
Just altered
In a different way
I write you letters now
Kept safely hidden
Only a black leather bound journal
Knows how much I truly miss you
I'm missing a friend a lot today. He left my life just as fast as he entered it. All I can do is hope he's safe, and hope he knows I've never given up on him
286 · Feb 2014
Kathryn Feb 2014
Your memory is fading there’s nothing I can do
We noticed the little signs at first
Retelling the stories you had just told
The mind is a funny thing
I’m angry about all of this, I’m helpless
Watching you forget is killing me
Strong and proud you continue
Regardless of what happens
Even if you forget me completely
I will remind you everyday
You’re loved, you’re cared for
You won’t be forgotten
I'm still getting used to the fact your slowly forgetting everything...
285 · Mar 2016
Jars of blood
Kathryn Mar 2016
Tonight I sit quietly
Trying to keep what I'm about to do
Just the way I like it
Between me and my demons
I choose to fight with a single blade
Across the skin is where the battles held
Bubbles of red break the surface
Like the dawn of the sun
Until they too break and drip away
I keep these precious crimson tears
In mason jars.
Never to forget the times
The demons didn't win
280 · Mar 2014
Im Alone
Kathryn Mar 2014
I’m not well tonight
Tears cloud my vision
A sobering thought crosses my mind
I deserve every moment
Tormented by something unseen
A substance in my veins
So unclean, infected...Undetectable
The only relief
Is hidden away, in plain sight
A sliver blade and simple cuts
Allow a feeling so
Beautiful and pure
For a moment, nothing else matters
Reality crashes back.....
There’s still a shame, which comes with it
Even after all these years
Fight the tears, fight the need
Loose at both...A vicious cycle
Continued until the familiar darkness takes me
Awake hours later confused and alone
The bloodstains tell me
Every unspoken word
Every haunting thought
Clean up and hide every ounce of evidence
That points to me breaking down
Not that anyone would care to look
Even if I could scream it out
There’s no one there to listen
I’m Alone....
271 · Dec 2018
first Christmas without you
Kathryn Dec 2018
I did everything I could today
To Keep a smile on my face
I wanted so badly for the door to open
To see you walk inside
I know even if the door does open
You won't be entering
I miss you so much that words continue to fail me
I lost a part of me that day
Im haunted by visions
Of you laying there
Your eyes still open stuck forever in that stair
The tube jammed down your throat from the attempts to give you air
I held your hand and talked to you
Told you I loved you so
That still hasn't changed of anything I love you more
This was the first Christmas without you
I did my best to smile
The tears did fall and will again
Because I miss you so
I wish so much you were here. I put up a good front but I'm broken without you
267 · Feb 2014
what is wrong?
Kathryn Feb 2014
You cut yourself up like your skin is paper
And the blood the tears your eyes just won’t cry
The days don’t seem to have the same life they once did
And the night never seemed so dark
You’ve lost hope in everything
Trying so hard to hold on
But it’s hard to keep on fighting
When you can’t put your finger on
What the **** is wrong
Why is you feel this way
Why you hurt so deep
264 · Nov 2015
You're not coming back
Kathryn Nov 2015
Do you know I'm thinking about you
wondering if your safe
I think about you all the time
Pray your still okay
That it all hasn't gotten to much for you
Everything I said to you
I hope you know I mean it all
Things wont be the same
If you never come back
Im haunted at night
Of thoughts that you're gone
Something is screaming inside
You're not coming back
I miss you...
251 · Feb 2016
22 hours (Find me)
Kathryn Feb 2016
I can't explain the way I feel tonight
I never gave up on you
You found your way back
I know you read these
You will know I'm talking to you
My eyes are blurred with tears
22 hours is what I missed you by
But please know I always return there
Today, Tomorrow, a year from now
Ill always return there always
Find me
I got your messages :):) <3 I'm so happy
246 · Sep 2014
Kathryn Sep 2014
The reason I love the rain?
you can't see the tears.
244 · Jan 2019
I cried today
Kathryn Jan 2019
I sat and cried today
Cried like I did when I learnt you were never coming home again
My heart aches every single day
I still wait for your calls
For you to walk threw that door
I wish it was all just a bad dream
I'm haunted now
Visions of you laying there
Cold, pale and lifeless
everything happened so fast
I understand now how important family is
I'm doing my best to be a better person a kinder person
the type of person you were
I seen how many people you brought happiness and love to we now stand together to face the world without you were not sure how we'll do it but I know you would want us to go forward with love and compassion in our hearts.
It's been 3weeks... I wait everyday to see your's killing me all I have left is pictures and memories
229 · Oct 2014
Kathryn Oct 2014
I lay awake in the dead of night
Looking to the stars for answers
where are you tonight?
are you safe? warm?
I speak to some unseen force
That some call God
In an attempt to make myself feel better
Hours of conversations
I have opened my soul
On nights like tonight
I realize how cold I am
How hate filled and angry
shut off from the world and Alone
how is it you managed to get me to open up?
please don't disappear
I know you can see the same stars I can
do you wish upon them too?
Closing my eyes its time to sleep
To have medicated restless Dreams
its been awhile...
228 · Jan 2019
Kathryn Jan 2019
I'm tired
I've cried so many tears
Anger, sadness, desperation
The truth is
No matter how hard I cry
Your still gone
In life we always said
You have such a big heart
an enlarged heart
Is what took your life
I lay here at night
I miss you
I don't feel whole
You took my heart with you
225 · Dec 2018
Kathryn Dec 2018
As we sat in that room
Cold unforgiving
No one said a word
Tears fell from everyone's eyes
The silence was deafening
I still cry tears
Yearning for just one more hug
I can't explain the feeling
So unexpected
I hope you heard what I said to you
As I held your hand
I hurt so deep
I miss you already

220 · Dec 2018
Kathryn Dec 2018
I miss you more than I can ever explain
I never expected you would be gone so fast
it doesn't seem fair I wasn't ready to see you like that
In life we always told you your heart was so big
Unknown to us that's what would take you
In sorry I've cried so much but you ment so much to me
7 days ago I seen you dead and I lost part of me
I miss you so much
An enlarged heart took your life. Ironic for a man who was so kind and in life we said had a big heart
141 · Apr 2021
Tired ramblings
Kathryn Apr 2021
Doubting myself is second nature
Anxiety always makes me question
Was I good enough?
I'm struggling tonight
Feelings of failure linger
Everything I do is for you
Please understand I'm trying my best
Yes I know I'm tired
That's why I'm crying
I don't want to wake you
But I want to hold you close
How is it I need you more
Than you need me

— The End —