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 May 2016 diamond youth
What if you wake up one morning and realize you've made a huge mistake?
how can i compete with a love so strong it stood firm against such time.
most would keep their vintage desk over the freshly made one anyday. it doesn't matter if the wood is rotting or if the paint is chipping because repairs can be made. and you can make many memories at your new desk but it can never hold the same value.
i guess im just worried that i am not all that you need.
im unchartered territory, but she is home. please tell me you didn't rush in packing your bags, that you don't have to fly back. i don't want to just be a vacation.
 May 2016 diamond youth
 May 2016 diamond youth
I've never liked the color brown
It has always seemed too weird to me..
In art brown can be made by mixing every color together and waiting to see what happens..

I ruined some of my best paints that way.

In earth brown is the tree bark, sometimes the fur of a small animal
Sometimes brown is the pile of dung you stepped in playing in your yard as a little kid.

Brown reminds me of the smell of a cow pasture
some people find it comforting
I just find it disgusting

I thought I could never love someone with brown eyes, for I even hated my own golden brown eyes.

But then I say him
He was perfect
everything about his was something I desired
everything from his hair to the small things like his country accent that got me so captured

The first thing  noticed when I saw him was his eyes
His big beautiful brown eyes
They were so mysterious and there was whirlpool of emotion entwined inside
I could see into them like open doors and I got lost in them
I loved his eyes
more than I thought i could ever love anything that shade of brown.

*I still hate my eyes
but the thought of his eyes bring me such joy.
The thought of the chocolate eyes that made me so happy and I fell so hard for.
I miss you
 Feb 2016 diamond youth
The initial heartbreak is gone...

And underneath that is anger;

Anger at you for leaving
Anger at myself for crying because you left
Anger at fate for giving me you
Anger at my heart for being so easily fooled

Under that anger is empty bitterness.

Bitterness because I let you get so close to me
Bitterness because I let you break my heart repeatedly

and bitterness because after all of that;

I still believed you loved me.
VIA My found 1 A.M Thoughts
 Feb 2016 diamond youth
Megan Rae
I'm fat.
I'm weird.
I'm annoying.
I'm not pretty.
I'm crazy.
I'm obsessive.
I'm a chatter-box.

I've stolen things.
I lie.
I've lied to my parents.
I've lied to my friends.
I've lied about myself.
I've lied to myself.

I'm pathetic.

I wish that I could be a butterfly,
just pop into a little cocoon and transform.
And come out a brand new creation.

The old me tossed into a recycling bin,
and changed into something better.

                               One Day.

Think about it.
No one really like caterpillars.

They're fat and fuzzy.. like me.

What if I'm already a butterfly?

Maybe I'm still in my caterpillar form,
waiting for the right time to change,
But I'll change!

I won't be a leftover.
And I won't be forgotten.

People will really see me for once,
and I won't be ghosting through crowds.

But until that day...
I have to accept me, for me.
This is how I feel, and it's an edited version of a poem I wrote a few years back.
He pushed play
He said "Hey"

But he pressed fast forward
And leaned inward

So I pressed play
We could've kissed all day

He pressed pause
There were a few flaws

I pressed play
I thought it'd be okay

He hit stop
Was I too over the top?

Ether way,
I want to press replay
Not over you

— The End —