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 May 2021 jude
Lucas Ennis
 May 2021 jude
Lucas Ennis
It feels like my wrists are burning
Blood is dripping down my arms
My head keeps screaming
I shouldn't of self-harmed.
My mom is going to be mad.
She's going to hit me again.
Give me another bruise.
Now my scars have some friends.
Just wash off the blood.
Dry off with the towel.
Wrap up your arms.
Go back to your personal bubble.
Isolate yourself for another week little girl.
Take you medicine.
And jump off the hill.
Just a little vent cause I feel icky.
 Mar 2021 jude
Cold Front
 Mar 2021 jude
You crawled into my sheets
To warm me up
When you left
 Mar 2021 jude
Brittany Chalmers
maybe i love you.
maybe i want to know you.
i'm stumbling toward my center,
my inner child.
i wonder if she wondered
how i'd be at 21
the way i wonder about you.
tell me now,
do you still cry
to the same songs?
do you pause to breathe?
do you let the sunlight in?
do you remember me?
 Mar 2021 jude
no guarantee
 Mar 2021 jude
"do you love me?" i asked with utmost uncertainty
he looked at me as he said, "sometimes."
unsettled, unsecured and in limbo, "no guarantee."
he repeated, "no guarantee... at all times."
 Feb 2021 jude
i’m so disappointed

in my mother

you could call me an ungrateful child

but jesus

all she does is blame me
and create all these problems within me
all these doubts
i wish i could say it’s from myself
but it all goes back to her
 Feb 2021 jude
 Feb 2021 jude
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
you love me
i know you dont
 Feb 2021 jude
 Feb 2021 jude
i'm constantly
thinking over our conversations
you're bringing me down
you're hurting me without realizing it
it hurts, it really does
so i've decided to cut ties with you
this was never meant to work out
i want to say that i want to stay
but this isn't good
this isn't right
 Feb 2021 jude
 Feb 2021 jude
my first crush committed suicide.
i remember the hurt at a young age
from chasing him around his living room
begging him for a kiss.
from my young age i knew i wanted him
in my life forever.
through his weaves and gagging
running around the furniture and up the stairs,
losing him sounded foreign then
and having lost him now, still feels the same.
our fathers drank and our mothers giggled
born three months apart
our future planned together
both saying "i do"
uniting us all together.
life flew on by
us both fighting with ourselves
and downing the bottles underneath the bed
loaded and silenced
family portraits painted in red
long life memories all put to rest.
only one made it out alive
but it's hard to breathe
out of us how was it me
and you in a little box
where a diamond ring should be.
my mind keeps wondering
when will i stop chasing you
then my heart replays
every time you turned a corner
you looked over your shoulder
and how you smiled at me.
i miss you
 Feb 2021 jude
Sea of Love
 Feb 2021 jude
I dive into the boundless ocean of your eyes.
And swim in the sea of your love.
When it overcomes my lungs,
I will meet my end with an inexorable wave
  And drown between the light of the surface
and darkness of the depths.
Inspired by a quote from Sebastian Junger's 'The Perfect Storm', "The instinct not to breathe underwater is so strong that it overcomes the agony of running out of air. No matter how desperate the drowning person is, he doesn't inhale until he’s on the verge of losing consciousness"
 Feb 2021 jude
Seven Years
 Feb 2021 jude
It took me seven years
to realise
the words in my mind
were too deep for
my mouth to dig up
I thought it was easier
to open my skin
and let the truth
pour down my arms

It took me seven years
to realise
nobody should be allowed
to touch parts
of your home
or hold pieces  
of your heart
that you don't yet understand

It took me seven years
to realise
I will wear these scars
I'll carry them
through every smile
every kiss
every concerned gaze
I'll carry them
to my grave

It took me seven years
to realise
the pain carved
into the walls
of my castle
etchings of
attempting to disappear
are not a story of weakness
but a tale of
how I survived
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