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Galloping through the mist his steed no hoof print leaves
Do you ever hear a song and less than a minute in, you already know it’s going to be your favorite?
You were that to me.
And much like a song, from you I could not flee.
You were chords and melodies I had never thought of putting together: and you were beautiful all the same.
If only you knew the way your heartbeat has become my favorite sound.
And much like the song, I could listen to you over and over again and each time fall more and more in love.
Because in a world of chaotic noise, you were my lullaby.
I would forever hear you in bits and pieces of other songs,
I would hum your tune absentmindedly as I go down a street I once walked with you,
And if I ever forget, I am sure my mind will wander to the songs we once made and remember,
Remember the beats and sounds that brought me to you,
and even if the melody has faded or become outdated,
I will always want to press repeat.
When they bury me
can I be buried with you?
Lying side by side

holding hands
so that my bones
and your bones
will be our bones,
it has always been you and me -

Ensuring that our promises
will not burn out like the candles flame
let me held by you for eternity
as I will forever be holding onto you,
onto our memories.

Promises made when the breath
that was fresh within our lungs
will seep into our bones
and hold each other there forever

memories, promises, stories
lingering in our remains
 Nov 2015 Juan Manuel Romero
emptiness that is in my heart
still I don't know where to start,
because of the lies and hatred
I chose to be unloved and isolated

one day I became a freedom writer
then realized that people are liars,
that everyone left for a reason
but there is no explanation

until every broken pieces of my hea......

*A freedom writer that has a missing part of a poet and a missing heart..
"missing heart.."
ghostly beings in ghost-town streets
tourists dressed in night-gown sheets

empty shelves; empty shopper
tempus fugit; clockstopper

november fog; chilly bones
midnight leaves me so alone

i can't feel your warmth right now
can't see you in torchlight now

no miracles, no visions
no stars for me to wish on

just us and the freezing air
just you captured in their snare

just me and my own shortfall
a ghost who loves a mortal
december, please hurry up.
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