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 Apr 2014 Johnnie Rae
 Apr 2014 Johnnie Rae
Tiny wrists.
Tiny rivers of blue.
I'm thinking about making myself a home
Beneath your pale skin.
I'd float along your lazy blue river
Until I make my way to your ghost chest
And burrow myself a tunnel
Deep inside your heart.
Light myself a campfire,
And pitch a tent.
Looks like I'm gonna be here for a while.
I am rocked to sleep with each beat:
Onetwo. Onetwo. Onetwo.
And my heart-house dreams
Intermingle with yours.
Maybe if we dream hard enough,
We can create a world of our own.
Where red blood cells sing like angels
Housed in four chapel-chambers,
And each artery stretches up far
Like a rainforest canopy
Riddled with exotic capillary-flowers.
Can we be safe here?
The heart has tender walls
But it is a soldier.
Though it may be kicked down,
It forges on
And picks itself right back up again.
Always beating,
Always winning.
Your heart is a soldier.
A fighter.
A protector.
I think I feel safe,
For the first time in a long time,
Within the home I've made for myself
Inside of who you are.
LDR life.
Let the pen be your blade,

                                and the ink be your blood

      pouring down on a sentence,

              soaking up a blank piece of paper.
I care. I care so much more than even you do.
 Mar 2014 Johnnie Rae
i don't know
what he's thinking
but it isn't of me and I
shouldn't of him. He said
i have no preference
and I apologized when
I should not have because
the truth is I can't be sorry
forever for the  things I did or
said. I have to forgive myself
at some point.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
I want to hold her hand as we walk through the park.
Sit under a tree in the summertime, and watch the clouds forming figures,
trying to see what the other one sees.
Go to my rooftop pool at night, and gaze at the stars.
Lay in bed with her, facing each other, and just lose myself in her bright, blue eyes, holding her near me so she never leaves my side.
Wake up before she does, with the first rays of sun shining through a slim opening on my courtain,
illuminating her as I admire her natural, god given beauty as pure as it is.

I just want to hear her, sweet, warm yet shy voice say "I love you.".
I believe
I still love her
after all these years.
 Feb 2014 Johnnie Rae
someday you'll know
how beautiful I think
you are even when I
hated you, (I remember)
how hurt you must have
been, and i know I've
apologized and I know
I haven't held your
hand in so long and
I know you cried in
my lap and I had
no idea what to do
I'm so sorry you
loved me then
I'm so sorry
you loved
me then.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

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