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I sit back in
the place of attack, but equipped for
battle this time;
The enemy won't win.
I laugh at him as
I greet the dawn with
a love soaked heart.
It smells like
leather, and my baby's hair.
I'm fully aware of
the antagonist's snares, and tricks,
but we won't be trapped.
See, this isn't a
tragedy, it's the epitome
of romance and victory.
I'm a stallion, and
she rides me into
the evening as we
eat peaches and
pomegranates, and let
the juice glisten on
our faces in God's
glorious setting sun.
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
Nilia Loh
A little marimo moss ball.
Unfazed in its glass ball.
Just another peaceful sunny day.
To not go about and enjoy the day.

A lonely marimo moss ball.
Looking in a mirror on the wall.
Noticing nothing has changed.
Isolation is still here, untouched.
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
Nilia Loh
Daydreams within blankets at night,
Cotton candy and candies alike,
Pillows and feathers so light,
Making me drift into the night.
Not too warm not too cold.
Feet hidden beneath the coats.
Head and body felt so light,
Making me drift into the night.
Dad, I know you would not want me to say..
but I miss you every single day.

You were my hero from an early age
my guardian, my teacher, my wisely sage.

You and Mum raised us all with such love.
Handling us all with kitten gloves.

Your knowledge and experiences you would freely impart.
You really were oh so smart.

There was nothing you wouldn't do
To keep your Family close to you.
An arm to hold us, stop us falling down.
An ear to listen when no one else was around.

You were strength
You were smart
You were fun
You were loyal
You were our rock

We won't forget you Dad, you'll never leave our hearts.

Love you **
It would have been my Dads birthday on Sunday, two days after my Daughters, four days after my Grandaughters.

He would have been 84.

My Dads been gone for two years now but I miss him every day.

Since last November ive written and self published three children's books and it is my only regret that my Dad didn't get to see this I know he would have been so proud.

I will be visiting a local place very dear to us on Sunday and raising a glass to my beloved Dad.

Thank you for listening **
In sin
I suffered

From your love
In shame
I hide my face

So I pray
For your mercy
To cleanse me

Wrap me
In your arms
Mold me
In your love

Hold me
Don't let me go
To you
I belong
In time like this
All I ever pray for
Is your mercy and love

Love you lord
#Jesus is Lord
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