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361 · Nov 2017
It´s alright
It´s alright to cry when you are haunted
Of days that you have yet to live
In a room feeling restless and unwanted
Not knowing how much more you can give

It´s alright to cry when you are heartbroken
I can barely keep my thoughts at bay
Can you please stop asking me how I´m coping?
So I can keep my smile in place throughout the day

It´s alright to cry when you are lonely
You pretend to love the faces in the crowd
You should walk over and say «please get to know me»
But for that kind of weakness you're too proud

It´s alright to cry when life fills you with sadness
And no one has the answers you want to hear
But there is a method to the madness
Just don´t give in to your fear

It´s alright to cry when you are haunted
By love and hate and life and loss
In the end you don´t remember where the road led
But the truth is, no one really does

3/5. November 2017
Started this a few days ago, and the rest came to me today. What do you think?
342 · Apr 2017
Lonely, lost, long gone
You long for the sun, but you still dance in the rain
You boarded a bus headed for Maine
It´s been twenty years but you still look the same
Lonely, lost, long gone

You listen to strangers with the window rolled down
Then head for a hotel at the wrong side of town
Your eyes are empty, where's your mind at now?
Lonely, lost, long gone

You crash and burn, before you cry in the shower
You twist and turn, but still wake up every hour
I saw you walk along the highway picking wildflowers
Lonely, lost, long gone

You sang on the street corner, but didn´t earn a penny
I´d give one for your thoughts, but there are so many
I still care about you, but I know we would only be
Lonely, lost, long gone

20. april 2017
I haven´t been on this page for a while.. but wrote this yesterday and thought I´d share it with you guys. Have a good weekend.
318 · Dec 2017
Tell me what you see
When you look into my eyes
Do you see who I could be?
Or do you realize
It´s difficult to dream
And make it come to life
Tell me what you see
When you look into my eyes

Tell me what you say
When you listen to the wind
For a moment everything's okay
But there's a terrible storm within
Do you sometimes try
To hold it in your hands
But it's like watching the ocean dry
or keeping the waves upon the sand

Tell me what you feel
When you search your fractured soul
Each memory so real
And impossible to control
Do you follow them
Trying to win the race
Then relive your life again
And see they fall like pieces into place

Tell me what you see
When you look into my eyes
Do you see who you could be?
Or just someone you despise?
Blue can be beautiful
And the young can be wise
The eyes are the window to the soul
And so this poem came to life

5. Desember 2017
This one came out of the blue and intro my brain.. what do you think?
305 · Jan 2018
Do you love me?
Do you love me?
Do you love me on one condition?
Or one hundred?
Do you love me unconditionally?
Do you love me at all?
4.januar 2018.
I usually always write poems that rhyme.. trying to challenge myself a bit.
274 · Feb 2018
Fallen soldier
He is a fallen soldier
With his uniform torn, and his heart or his sleeve
He looks twenty years older
With is wounds open, ready to bleed

It was not what he thought it would be
Not just justice and bravery
Now he's gone while he's talking to me
His mind keeps returning to imagines he can't unsee

I am sorry, cause I was no comfort
Even when I held you in my arms
Every morning there is so much effort
To wake up, and give the day a chance

It is not easy to save everyone
Though you believed once that you could
Now look at what you have become
Because you were honest and good

He is a fallen soldier
Who woke up while everyone else fell
He is twenty years older
Carrying them all while carrying himself
22. Februar 2018
What do you think?
240 · Feb 2018
I´m at a loss for words
I never am
But they fade in front of me
Like they have been written in the sand

You say you´ll write
You say you´ll call
You say everything
And then nothing at all

I´m at a loss for words
Yet I know them my heart
This pen and this paper
Are light years apart

You know I am tired
My hand is aching
I feel each letter
But the pen just keeps breaking

The words used to come alive
Now they are gasping for breath
Sooner or later
There won't be any left

8. Februar 2018
What do you guys think of this one?

— The End —