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Isn't it funny,
That you want things
You dont have,
and have things you don't want.
And you spend your time praying,
Trying to justify sin
And pass it off as love.
We get this idea in our heads,
That we aren't meant to be alone.
That the only point in life
Is to find someone to make you
Feel complete.
But if you need someone to fill you,
Isn't that just like putting a bandaid
Over a bullethole?
There's always the possibility
Of love leaving,
Of having empty spaces again?
I think its more important to
Complete yourself.
People come and go like seasons.
But you will always be stuck
With yourself.
So live and love as hard as you can.
As passionately as you can.
And remember that the last persons
Voice you'll hear when you lie
Down to drift off into eternal sleep,
Is your own.
if you knew how you hurt me you would weep
your eyes blood shot and red unable to keep

if you knew how you hurt me you wouldn't want to see my tear
I conquer all until I feel heavens storms are raging near

if you knew how you hurt me you would despair
for even you would know it isn't fair

if you knew how you hurt me even you could see how strong I am
for I am me

without you I made it clear
I do not bow down to fear
I will fight through thick and thin
to feel the comfort of my win
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
you can't hurt me,
no, you can't hurt me,
you can not hurt me,
say,why would you hurt me?
I knew wouldn't hurt me,
you never thought of hurting me..
Do not hurt me.
No,no you can not hurt me.

You went away,
or your were part od dream?
I forgot your name,
i forgot your 7 kind of smiles.
i never counted those 58 steps
we took holding each others heart,
you can not hurt me.
there is nothing to hurt.
i never loved the way you were.
Or did you hurt me..?
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
i hate the way you hurt me,
the way you make me cry.
i hate the way you hurt me
with that sly look in your eye.

i hate your stupid smile,
the awful grin you use.
when you see the way i look at you,
you always seem amused.

i hate the way you make me write
about you every day.
i hate the way you yell,
i hate every word you say.

i hate the way you hurt me
with every bruise you leave.
bruises on my soul
for everyone to see.

i hate the way you dress.
i hate the way you do your hair.
i hate the way you try to touch me;
it leaves a constant scare.

i hate the way you look at me.
i wish you were never there.
i hate the way you keep me up at night,
sweat collecting in my hair.

i hate the way you hurt me
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
You hurt me.

We affect each other,
We change each other,
You changed my life
You eliminated my life

You may not remember me
But I remember you.

You hurt me.

Your Words.

I remember your words because they hurt,
They enveloped my brain and became a part of me
I wanted to forget--
I wanted to go away

They wouldn’t go away so I had to.

You hurt me.

Are you listening now?

Your drop of water is my storm
A hurricane of words you don’t even remember

All I remember.

All I think about--
Your words won’t go away
They will never go away

You hurt me.

Your words are powerful,
They changed me,
My life

You hurt me.

One careless sentence
One moment in time.

You think you’re funny
Your words don’t matter

They matter.

But maybe you said nothing
You remained silent--
stood and watched.
You watched my storm grow
I became a hurricane
You watched me spin
and didn’t stop me

You watched me build.

You let
Me build
Until I was unstoppable.
I became destructive
You watched.

You hurt me.

One careless Action.

One meaningless inaction.

You hurt me.

You ruined me.
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
I loved you by the way you squinted when you sang really loud in the yellow car. I loved you by the way you looked into my eyes as if to say, "I get it. I'm here for you. I love you too." I loved you by the way you kissed my forehead. I loved you by the way you loved me- especially when I couldn't correctly tell you how I felt, but you knew what I meant anyways. I loved you by the way you kissed me under the waterfall, and in the rain, and in the snow, and in the burning sun. I loved you.

You hurt me by the way you looked away when I began to cry. You hurt me by the way you lied. You hurt me when you ignored me. You hurt me when you asked me to move on- time and time again. You hurt me when you told me one more kiss wouldn't hurt anything. You hurt me every time you said you had to go. You hurt me when you could never tell me why. You hurt me.

I love you because whenever I picture happiness, you are it. I love you because you never gave up on us before, and now it is my turn. I love you because you are my rock. I love you because you are my person. I love you because you still love me, even though you are trying to stop. I love you- because even despite you breaking my heart, I am willing to start all over with you.
Maybe I'm just stupid and stubborn, but I know what I feel- and my love for you has never and will not ever change. I won't mess this up again.
What if I don't feel the happiness I read in books
What if I don't get a glimpse of my own happy ever after
What if I don't really exist for a purpose I'm just a cruel joke
What if I end up not making people around me happy
What if my fears and anxiety never leave me alone
What if my nightmares become my reality
What if I stop being able to express myself

What if there isn't a soulmate out there for me
What if all my Nos were meant to be my Yes
What if all the truth I told never did anybody good
What if I never get to feel the glory of Heaven
What if I came into this world with an alignment
What if I never amount to anything
But what if you end up achieving your dreams
What if you felt happiness like never before
What if you overcome all your worries
Just what if?
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
night sky
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
was i the night sky not worth it to be looked at
you were just so scared of the dark, you chose her instead
 Apr 2020 joel hansen
Luna Maria
you stopped loving me

so I also

stopped loving

the things you used to love about me suddenly turned into the things I hated about myself.
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