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 Feb 2018 Joe Morris
 Feb 2018 Joe Morris
I fall
to remain
This is
my way.
To hold
my breath
diving deeper.
To hold
my bones
just a little
This is
how I know
I am whole.
I have
else to go.
No one
else to
rely on.
I count
on my
own soul.
It might
lead me
the snow
and cold,
but I know
it will
lead me
 Feb 2018 Joe Morris
We are
on the forefront
of a revolution.
Our generation
holds the key
to eternal peace.
We are
the rising tide,
the ones
that will shift
the tipping point
of our world.
We will
ride the wave
to a new millennia,
or let it crash
the breakwall.

We have a choice.

Be the lighthouse
that shines
through the storm,
or repeat history
in one more
****** war.

What will you stand for?
 Aug 2017 Joe Morris
Ami Shae
Time hides from me anymore--
          I tried to invite it to stay
I've double locked the door
          so it won't get away--
but still, it eludes me
          and I keep wishing it would just come
and set me free...
           I'm beginning to feel
that time has no time
           for the likes of me.
Seems my time here is fewer and farther between...My life is in such chaos these days and I keep thinking I'll have time to come here to read, to write, but somehow time just keeps escaping my grasp! Someday I hope to spend more time here! Hope all of you are doing well and won't give up on me!
 Mar 2017 Joe Morris
Bianca Reyes
I was once aching flesh
On worn down bones
Encaging a restless heart

You were the cure
The ailment
You were everything
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Mar 2017 Joe Morris
Bianca Reyes
I have etched 'no' everywhere on my skin
So the next time you come near
When you touch me and the bumps rise
It can scream what I have never had the strength to say
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah bla blah
come vibe with me
between the sheets
lost hands searching for the sweet
spot--moving to a melody of hot sighs and
heavy breaths
pull me in closer
tight to your chest


trace your fingertips
through the valley
of my thighs and the curve of my hips;
mold myself around you
       slow down to take it all in;
fold myself around you
feel the fire in my kiss
when i stroke your stiff neck
then press it to my lips

(come vibe with me, babe
when you need to unwind
   --the pleasure is all mine.)
 Dec 2016 Joe Morris
Doug Potter
She dug ***** after
***** of soil until
the hole was

long, and deep enough
to cover Brownie’s tan
and white speckled

I was twelve years
old, and Beverly
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