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 May 2016 Joe Morris
 May 2016 Joe Morris
We stood there
As steady as willows
The wind howling
And tears streaming
You confessing
You kissed him
My heart breaking
His lips caressing
Your rose petals
Some hard as a rock ****
His body better suited
At shielding yours
From the tormenting stares
Of disbelieving onlookers
And all was silent
Except for the cracking
Splintering of my heart
Like a hundred year old oak
Fighting its last storm.
And so I ask you
Is his hands better suited
At caressing
Tressing your hair?
Is his body better suited
To form to yours at night,
When the storm bellows
And you can't hide?
Is his lips better suited
To kiss yours goodbye
As sweet as sunshine
Promising better when
The morning comes
And those same lips
That kissed your betrayal
The night before
Return with a love anew?
Tell me, is his name
As sweet-sounding
As mine was
When he says he loves you
And you return it,
Making the statement his
Repeating his name
Again and again and again
Until it becomes tattooed on your tongue?
Tell me this,
And I'll disappear
Just like the storms you hid from
Each night
I held you closer
And I'll disappear
When the sun arrives
When he arrives
And there will be storms no more.
rainy days are the best days
when you can sit inside
under a cover of blankets
and drift off to the sound
of rain pounding on the roof
the entire world wet
letting your eyes close
and fade away
to the sound of rain
it's a typical rainy day in oregon and this poem seemed fitting
He fell alseep to the sound of my voice
he claims that it soothes him
Even when I trail off about simple things like the sky
or the library or the color of my blouse
I recognize that it wooes him
The places we visit, I describe in great detail
he sits quietly and smiles to his feet
An unfamiliar scent that he reaches to inhale
He asks what's that and is it lovely like me
He insisted on taking me to see a movie on our fifth date
but I didn't miss the tears as he sat there and listened
Sometimes he gets shaky when I come home too late
he doesn't know my looks, but he knows my voice glistens
He hasn't met my eye
but he knows they're my mother's
He doesn't recognize all the pity stares
or the muscle that follows my big brothers

Maybe love is blind
and maybe he is love.

— The End —