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I could spend an eternity
alone on this island
with only a string and hook
and still catch feelings
instead of fishes
A man walked in today, fawning over her like a piece of meat.
She blushes and says something flirtatious back, it was more than just that, I hear it, her heart because faster it did beat.
The twinkle in her eye I had always thought only came from me, now arose for a stranger.
The sick feeling comes back to my stomach, for I feel that my love and I are in danger.
Danger arisen by the breath upon his lips rather that the poison accompanying them.
For she looked at this man the same way she did me, the blue in her eyes seemed to be even more like a gem.
For I see the green lying dormant in her eyes even then she's still so jaded.
For when I look into her pools of blue and green I see the happiness faintly, for the most part it has faded.
Now when I look into those eyes I can't help but feel the pain.
I see it and I know all she can feel is the rain.
It covers her to no extent yet I still try to cover her from the cold.
I carry her past all the clouds and into the sun yet I am not the one she will hold.
I face the internal demons for both of us, she knows but not about the external ones.
I'm the one who loves her yet from her feelings she still runs.
I writhe in pain and suffering from the thought of her in bed with another.
I feel the stench of inferiority blanket me knowing that our fire, she thrives to smother.
 Jul 2016 Joanne Smith
Jwala Kay
Kiss me awake.
I shall feel the touch
caressing through
my skin.
and my dreams
Kiss me cold.
I shall see you
through the
pain and joy.
Kiss me love.
And I shall stand
by your side
'til the end.
It wasn't my intention to see her here tonight
She belongs to another man, I tell myself
since we're both here it won't hurt to take a look
And so I watch her hips sway to the bands slow soul

It wasn't my intention to grind into her rhythm
With one look her eyes beckoned that I come home
She belongs to another man, I tell myself
And so lose myself in effortless conversation

It wasn't my intention to kiss her
The words stopped flowing and we couldn't stop staring
And so I lose myself in the taste of her
Tonight she is mine, I tell myself
 Jul 2016 Joanne Smith
 Jul 2016 Joanne Smith
Though weary eyes are still worth seeing,
Sometimes the sight isn't worth the time.

I'd encourage you instead to rest,
And escape from yourself within your mind.

Just go close your eyes and be at peace,
Embrace the darkness with remind.

Like a weary ball of worn out string,
Sleep quietly until you unwind.
When I'm tired... I unwind. :D
 Jul 2016 Joanne Smith
I can't help but wonder what I did
Uncertain, unknowing.
What made you stay
But the moment you were away,
You just kept on running.
What magic trick were my hands weaving
Behind my back, unseen, unfelt?
What did I do to make you stay,
Am I guilty of manipulation?
Because once you stepped out that door,
You were never coming back,
And yet,
Before you left,
Before you took those steps
You said it was difficult, painful
That you didn't want to.

So what made you stay?
And what's making you run away?

— The End —