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I desire to explore your land
Sweep through with only my hand
It's this unquenchable yearning
In my core uncontrollable burning
Devour me with your gaze
Lips meet lips set me ablaze
Calm me as you cave my walls
Increase my high as this night falls
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on a throne of could've beens

My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows

My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination

I, the queen
Reign over all of this regret
May we never forget

I, The Queen ©

I GOT DAILY POEM!!! Wow, thank you to everyone who read, commented, shared and liked this and thanks to anyone who reads this and does the same. Yay :)

Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 11, 2016. Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
I can't understand how everyone sees
Clear blue skies at which they wish to gaze
Under its trance and relax wasting the day
I can only see sapphire skies seducing
The clouds to willingly depart the day
And I need to rush to get up and run
To love and to conquer and live
So that I may come back and sing for all
A few lullabies to console your longing
For the hopes and dreams that you couldn't
Follow while you were staring at the sky

I refuse to lay around with all the rest
Viewing serene blue skies and conjuring up
Endless dreams and make believes
Because all I see are sapphire skies
Burning the time in a day with intensity
Melting away my dreams simultaneously
I must rush out into the world and experience
And accomplish the aspirations I had
Then I can return and sing lullabies
About all the beautiful things I remember
So that you can end your sobs
When you think of all the time you wasted

You see blue skies and day dream
I see sapphire skies and act and react
My lullabies will speak of the journey
The destination and the reward
Your state of dreaming will be
Manipulated by your remorse
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 12, 2016 Bianca Reyes©
Endless love
Held on fingertips
Waiting to caress your cheek

Confession of love
Lingering on my lips
To dance with yours they seek
I will be turning myself in today
Life in prison awaits me
Must say I definitely deserve it
I killed a girl and I'd do it again
She would fill my head with ideas
Telling me I was worthless
Saying I should just disappear
Maybe she was right all along
But when I saw her in the mirror
My blood boiled and it enraged me
So I suffocated her one quiet night
Drowned her negativity with my pillow
Saw the malice in her eyes fade and die
Never again will she drag me down
For I am a better person now
I killed the woman in my mind
The one that said I was a waste of space
The one that said I'd never inspire
She didn't know what I was capable of
I was capable of loving myself
I killed the side of me that didn't love
Written on January  13, 2016 and shared via Hello Poetry on January 14, 2016. Copywrite belongs  to Bianca Reyes.
I became the crutch you leaned on
Supporting the weight of your pain
I put a cast on your heart
When it became too battered
I became your most sturdy stilt
To help you move on
Until you felt better
That's when you left me
Never did you ask if I sustained injuries
While I was nursing you back to health
Little inexperienced girl
Wanted to eat the world
But it swallowed her whole
It won't return her
Until she's nothing but bones
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