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Aug 2020 · 116
1 Sentence Poem: V
Julia Friedman Aug 2020
You were my prep school *******
Now I just hate you
Aug 2020 · 134
The Walk
Julia Friedman Aug 2020
A mirage shimmers over
White and blinding white
And it shimmers
It floats
And the bird
It shimmers
Crunch and snap and crunch and the blinding
And the grass
My legs
It’s a balancing act
And the mulberry tree
And the humming
The purr
The song
The cry
The tightness in my throat
The sweat on my back
And the blinding
Jan 2020 · 99
1 Sentence Poem: IV
Julia Friedman Jan 2020
You're like ambient snow
And the background thrum of heartache
It's been snowing a lot recently
Nov 2019 · 190
1 Sentence Poem: III
Julia Friedman Nov 2019
Just give me a moment to **** off the last of the butterflies
That took up residency in my stomach the first time I saw you
Unrequited love *****
Nov 2019 · 239
Julia Friedman Nov 2019
I want you to pull my ribs apart
And ****** the air out of my lungs
To hold me
Suspended above the earth
He’s so beautiful in such a chaotic way I can’t help myself
Sep 2019 · 192
Catalyst Kisses
Julia Friedman Sep 2019
She was right
We were in some boys house
Soaking up the sun and melting into his couch
Or his lap
She tilted her head back and laughed at me
She said she was worried about me
She said that she was worried that i’d never been kissed
That the first time someone put their lip on my neck i’d fall apart
And i laughed to
At the idea that someone would want to press their lips to my pulse
And make it quicken
But when you pressed your mouth there
I understood
Because i did come apart
I broke into a million pieces
My seams loosened themselves
Until the patchwork scraps of my body fell away
I was solid
Swirling away
Dissolving into the air
And then your hands brought me back
And i was so in present
She was right
And i was so happy she had been
Because nothing has ever felt so good
As being pulled apart and put back together
Aug 2019 · 408
Julia Friedman Aug 2019
Is it cruel that i want to do to you what every boy has done to me
I want to crush you
I want to make your heart ache
I want you to drag yourself across the floor to kiss my knees
My knees because you’ll be so heavy with love
That you can’t bring your lips any higher
But you’ll want to
My god you’ll want to
i hope you scrape yourself up
Aug 2019 · 182
Julia Friedman Aug 2019
walk with me
hand and hand
across the moon
let’s leave our tracks in the dust
walk in circles and circles
curl our lips against the sky
burn our young tongues on the stars
i want to be stardust with you
Aug 2019 · 408
a moment too perfect
Julia Friedman Aug 2019
I can’t look right at you
Because if i do you might disappear
Like a dream in the morning,
(when the yellow light is seeping in)
That slips from between your sleep soaked fingers
Out of the open window and into the air
I can’t look right at you
Because i might be blinded by the existence of you
Loud and bright and hot
Like a star
Like the sun
So overwhelming and painful to touch but so warm to be held by
sometimes i get overwhelmed by how perfect a moment is. like driving fast with the windows down, i can’t look right at it or it’ll all be too much. so i look out the window instead
Aug 2019 · 174
1 Sentence Poems: II
Julia Friedman Aug 2019
there’s poetry in the bruises on your knuckles and the quiver of your lips
May 2019 · 360
1 Setence Poems: I
Julia Friedman May 2019
Bodies move to an unheard cosmic groove
Nov 2018 · 246
Boy (in Autumn)
Julia Friedman Nov 2018
We all squeezed into the trunk
My hipbone pressed against yours
You looked down at the photo on your phone
And a soft lock of hair fell over your forehead
I wanted to push my hands into your hood and through your curls

The air was full of our laughter and bass-heavy music
And camera flashes and the smell of teakwood
Our feet dragged easily over the wet pavement
Pushing away orange leaves and awkwardness
There's this boy...I really like his fluffy hair and the way he smiles at me
Aug 2018 · 200
A Day
Julia Friedman Aug 2018
Today I am having a Day
And not in a very good way
My skin's breaking out
I might just drop-out
**** my life, I'm hitting the hay
Um, so...I'm having a Day if you couldn't tell. Shout out to anyone who's ever felt like they're going to ******* explode because they're so stress
Aug 2018 · 147
Julia Friedman Aug 2018
I want you to love me
I want you to touch my skin
I want you to feel how soft it is
How warm
How it smells like me
Like cotton and perfume and desperation
I want you to breath me in
I want you to bottle me up
To take fistfuls of my hair
To take fistfuls of me
And love them
Even though I don’t love me
Even though
I want you to burn up with love
And melt me
Distill me
And make me better

— The End —