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 Jun 2017 James M Vines
One more hour to go.
One more hour to show.
One more hour to slow.
One more hour to quit.

Quit breathing.
Quit stealing.
Quit keeping.

Keep yourself happy.
Keep yourself true.
Keep yourself dancing with shadows of the truth.

The truth.
The truth is out there.
The truth is hidden.
The truth needs patience in order to reach you.

I done ran outta that ****.
Somewhere between wanting to cover my entire body with tattoos
and tearing my skin off
Whatever hurts more.
I want  my surface to burn
when hot tears spread out.

Unspoken words like a simphony
in my subconscious abyss.
Sour memories soaring my tongue
like cherry wine.

Trying to fill the void,
but my holes get even deeper.

Don't run your fingers gently on my body,
Make me bleed,
Make me burn alive.

Make me feel pain,
the pain i deserve.
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