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 May 2015 IvyB Xx
The Whisper
Will swallow **** before she swallows her pride.
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
The cough woke me up
Around 5 am, in the dark night
Automatically I checked my phone
Had a smoke and went back to bed

11.30 morning coffee
I check my phone
Two messages
A little surprised I see your name

"Go back to sleep x"
There's only one way
You'd know I was there last night
And that is if you checked it

The x's that used to feel
Like a conditioning technique
Are there now in abundance
Nothing else needs to be said

Perhaps it was that you realised
I was much less proud
And more willing to find peace with you
Or maybe you just missed me

Perhaps it's all in the past
And the Highest Truth remains
Mistakes were made
But perhaps it was done out of suffering in the first place

Either way
There will always be an x
Here for you
And hopefully someday an o
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
They stood together
Huddled and shivering,
Desperation brimming in their eyes.
They were so close to each other,
But yet
You could see how far they were.
How much they've gone through,
How they diverged and seperated.

It was so apparent,
In their bright eyes
How much they lived each other
As their crimson eyes
Blinked tears away,
Their split lips trembling with
Unkept promises,
And I love you's.

Yet, nothing,
Nothing they do will ever
Keep them away,
They were catastrophic lovers,
Bound to death
And heading for oblivion.

They'll hold each other's hand,
Wipe away each other's tears,
And stand up

And walk

And soon they'll be

Time after time
By cyndi lauper
I hate how you broke me down
Only to build me up
Just so you could break me down once again

I hate how you convinced me to open up to you when I was shy
Only to give you what you wanted from me
And then tell me to be ashamed for being so exposed

I hate how you would ask me what’s wrong
Only to pretend to listen as I would cry
And then tell me off for thinking I have it harder than others

I hate how you would tell me you loved me
Only for me to find out that you have another lover
And then to get angry with me when I would try to move on

I hate how I wasted my time loving you unconditionally
In hopes that you would love me too
Only to realize after eight months that you don’t deserve me
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
Three Words
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
When I say
I love you
It seems so powerful
Yet incomplete

It's so beautifully simple
And it's meaning is
Yet what I feel for you is so much more.  

I want to show you what I mean
But I need more than words for that.
When we are together I can show you the feelings residing inside,
But in my absence these words
Are all I can provide.
Maybe you forgot
that love is not all about the talking
It's all about the actions

Actions speak louder than words
 May 2015 IvyB Xx
I don't know what I'll do,
Just the thought of you,
Makes me smile,
Like never before,
I know the joy & pain,
Blood rushing in my vein,
Send my heart,
Rushing like a train,
Flying high like a plane,
Intemperately insane,
A good feeling, a relief
Like the new beginnings,
Of Autumns falling leafs,
Hold on tight,
It's worth the fight,
If I don't make it out alive,
I'll sacrifice myself, my life
So that you can survive,
Your a gift to my life,
Love drop that razor knife,
If the unexpected occurs,
I'll follow you to heaven,
But please prevent that,
My only I'd take my hat off,
You won every face off,
All women lost, for me
Can't you see, I'm a Gee
In this ugly corrupt world,
If we never make it,
And be together, me & you
Know our love was so true,
Stuck like glue, blues clues
Putting pieces to a puzzle
We created & dedicated
To our lives of inspiration
Two spirits manifestation
Through divine elevation
& Patient preparation, you
Helped me soon felt me,
Thank you, one of a kind
Picking me up lost & blind,
Your eyes I got lost in them
Couldn't stop staring at them,
did you even notice?
You never paid attention,
But trust & believe I did,
Two young little kids,
Loving one another,
We were young, had so much fun
I think if you had noticed,
Maybe you'd know I wasn't
Lying, how could I be?
The whole world could see,
I think, I couldn't even blink,
How silly makes me smile,
It's okay there's a reason,
Changes in the season,
God knows why, I cry,
I let you fly,
if you come back it was meant to be,
I came back so many times,
In hard times I tried to make you mine, j
Just wanted to be your Valentine,
Your best friend you can come for anything, I'll do anything, I failed didn't want to listen, You kept walking away, told me stay away, Hurting me that day, wanted to be my last day
Just another sad day, my skies always been Gray oing our separate way,
I didn't think you noticed,
I liked you a lot, I liked you so much,
The way you made me feel, it felt so ****, Real, I was rejected replaced with another, With Crayon, you moved on dated, and went, Along for so long, I went wrong,
My life was crashing down,
Going directly underground,
Felt like a funny clown,
Nothing was working,
You didn't even notice me,
Guess you forgot about me,
Ignored me, like I didn't exist, time passed & it was you that I missed, I felt stupid, I felt dumb, I felt numb, I couldn't move on, It went on & on, until I gave Up, you're a permanent scar, my wishing star,
It's okay it's okay it's okay..

You'll always have a piece of me, even if you treat me like trash, garbage, waste, dirt, the worst thing ever, my love will remain forever

PS, Heart Broken
I don't want to be here.
I don't want to be where the hatred is.
I want to be up there!
Where the birds and the souls alike fly high.
To be as free as I can,
without you.
I don't want to see.
I don't want to hear,
I don't want to feel
I don't want to be here!
In the middle of a War that hurts me and only me! They throw the bombs and shoot the guns but only I am affected.
Up there,
they can't reach me.
Up there,
they can't see me.
Up there,
is where I want to be.
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