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Ironatmosphere Jul 2016
How do you tell someone
that you don’t like thinking,
because it hurts
too much
for you to bear?
Ironatmosphere Apr 2016
Today I realized that all bodies are beautiful and strong because they have the power to transport our souls.
Ironatmosphere Apr 2016
My body is too heavy
I just want to lie down
And stare up at the stars
As birds and time fly by

My body is too heavy
I just want to lie down
Buried under pillows and blankets
So deep
I am nowhere to be found

My body is too heavy
I just want to lie down
Let my arms rest in the damp grass
And let the sun warm my mind
Ironatmosphere Apr 2016
I’ve always thought of this as a selfish act
One I would never commit
You gave me life, the greatest of gifts
I apologize for throwing it away
You should know that I cherish the moments I was truly alive
You were the ones who made it good
But living is far too painful
And I long for a quiet
An escape from the mayhem in my head
I feel more than I can handle
And I have more love to give than I get to give away

You should know
You have my permission to move on
But please don’t forget
I want you to be happy
More happy than I ever could
And know that I love you always

I want you to find peace
just as I am about to
This is what I would leave if I was commiting suicide. I am not. I am writing this for therapeutic reasons only.
Ironatmosphere Mar 2016
I hate time
I hate that it moves fast and that it moves slow
I hate that it always keeps moving
And that there is never enough
I hate that it is unstoppable
And that we can never go back
Ironatmosphere Mar 2016
The pills have gotten easier to swallow
And my anxiety has gotten quieter
But the sadness is still there
And I try not to cry in public
But there is always that one tear that escapes
A runaway
And I wish I could follow its lead
And escape this world
Escape the shackles of time
For what is the reason of existing?
If existing is all you do?
Ironatmosphere Jan 2016
They danced to the music
And there was no question about it
They were electricity
Sparks in the sky
They were fire
Crackling beautifully
Warming fingers in a tiny cabin
Raging in a forest
They were rain
Calm and pure
Smattering on the windows
They were the essence of life
They were happiness
They were love
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