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Ironatmosphere Jan 2016
Her cheeks are red
Her smile is small and shy
As they touch it spreads across her face
Happiness is shining through her eyes
And I can’t help but smile too
I am so happy for you
Ironatmosphere Jan 2016
I know I might never have you
That you might never be mine
But in my head we have adventures
We travel the world
And we lie singing in your bed
Staring up at the ceiling
Where we have painted stars
To remember that time we slept outside
Or was that just in my head?

I know I might never have you
But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming
Or quietly whispering your name
When no one is around to hear
It doesn’t stop these cravings I have for you
It doesn’t stop my fingers from itching
Or stop me from wanting to run my fingers through your hair
It doesn’t stop my curiosity of what you smell like
But really, I would be happy just breathing the same air

I know I might never have you
That you might never be mine
But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about you all the time
Ironatmosphere Nov 2015
If I could
I would catch happiness
And save it in a jar
Ironatmosphere Nov 2015
I’m scared of what they do
When they are alone together
I am scared of the secrets that they keep
Of things that are not my business
Even though I’d like them to be
I am scared that he loves her
And that she loves him too
I am scared because I love them both
Although it’s something I shouldn’t do
I am scared of being lonely
Of love being out of reach
I scared that I’m not enough
And that she will always be better than me
Ironatmosphere Oct 2015
How do you tell somebody that you think you need therapy
That you’ve lost all of your creativity
That all you do is eat
And repeat
That the floor is your new best friend
Because it’s got the best view of the ceiling
How do you tell them
That you drown your time with movies
Trying to escape
To a different reality
Where you are anyone but you
Because being you is more than you can handle right now
How do you tell them
That you just want somebody to hold you and stroke your hair
And tell you everything will be alright
How do you tell them the truth?
Ironatmosphere Oct 2015
I want to rip my skin off
This layer covering me
Hiding me
Shielding me from the sun
My fingers are itching
I’m banging my head against the wall
Clutching at the metal bars
I’m going crazy in this world
This world that is too small
There are too many people
And I don’t have anyone at all
Ironatmosphere Oct 2015
I want to exist in a world without time
A world where no one has a clock
No appointments to keep
Like that blissful moment at the end of sleep
Where nothing exists but a quiet ease
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