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Ironatmosphere Jan 2015
There is a cloud of black smoke extending itself around me
Twisting its limbs around my neck
Choking me
Till whatever oxygen is
Is just a memory
Ironatmosphere Jan 2015
I don’t like it
when people
look at me.
I’m always afraid
that they will see
the cracks
in my soul,
and realize
that they don’t even
want me
as a shadow.
All the words that occupied my mind disappeared into the oblivion.
Ironatmosphere Dec 2014
My head is exploding with words
And stories
But as I open my mouth they tangle
And clog
Ironatmosphere Dec 2014
I watch as you make a hole
in my skin
Obsessively pulling out
my stuffing

I can see the fascination in your eyes
as you keep on going
Till I am as hollow
as that teddy bear you always carried around as a kid

The one that was super skinny
because you had hugged it too tight
too often

The one you once joked
had anorexia
As I laughed
even though
I didn’t find it funny

Because I love you
as much as that teddy bear loved you

And because I know
I too will end up like a faded photograph
In an album no one ever looks at
Because everything is digital nowadays
Even memories
Ironatmosphere Nov 2014
This song is about realizing the sun is shining
That deep down there inside you is a calm
There is a happy
There is a great big world
And the sun is shining
On you
And everything you’ll ever do
This song, it is for you
It exists only for you to go out and grab life by the shoulders
And live it
Live it
Live your life
This song is telling you to live your life
Because you can
And you want to
Because you are living
Your life
This is inspired by the feeling of "Welcome Home, Son" by Radical Face
I haven't actually listened to the text, the feeling is too powerful
Ironatmosphere Nov 2014
I want to pour everything I am on a paper or a canvas
but I can’t get my hands to move in the way they are supposed to
I can’t get my mind to focus
My head is filled with blurry photographs
It’s like somebody has short circuited the synapses in my brain
Something isn’t right
and I’ve got a feeling
that  it's
Ironatmosphere Nov 2014
I have never spoken to you
I don’t know your dreams
I don’t know your family
I don’t even know your name
But I can tell by just looking at you
That you are meant for me
It’s the way you move
And the way you smile
And how the bell on your bike
Illustrates your goofiness
And uniqueness
And I know this is silly and shallow
But I have fallen for the way you shine
And as I watch you I can’t help
But see our whole love story
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