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LiviKawa Apr 2015
i have gotten to the point
where couches and trunk seats
just dont do it for me,
lawns and attics
arent as exciting as they used to be,
alcohol and ****
are just another excuse to forget,
words on a screen telling me
i am beautiful
have lost all meaning
i have gotten to a point
where i want to just be held
without the thoughts of
"how am i going to get in her pants"
with only the looks of love,
and not the kind that is hiding the lust
i want for once
to be cared for,
to actually be treated right
but i think that is too big
of a burden for anyone  
to try and hold
LiviKawa Feb 2015
They say red is too hot, and pink is too passive
That orange is too warm and yellow is too sickening
Its said that brown is way deathly and green is all about growing
Blue is too naive and purple is for the royalty

And we have tattooed these bodies with all the colors in our minds
Yet we are still only perceived as black and white
LiviKawa Feb 2015
i get notifications
with your name in all bold
and i think of the words that roll off your tongue
the ones only i have heard
forming on your lips
and then all of a sudden
i am thinking of us
limbs splayed across each other
wondering if this is reality
or only something we created ourselves
because when i am here by myself
i find that i am craving you
more and more
and every time i realize that i cannot have you
never in our lifetime
do i start to wonder
what in the hell are we doing to ourselves
that make us lust after one another
when we know how toxic it can be
because i am a tornado and you are a hurricane
and the only thing that will survive
this natural disaster
is heartbreak and debris
of what we once were
and never will be again
LiviKawa Feb 2015
Do you know how many
Poems I write that
Leak your name?

The subtle hints
Of twinkling eyes
And that burning smile

The words explaining
The days that you create havoc
And heat between our bodies

The whispers of
Love and confusion
And an all consuming lust

Do you even realize
The amount of poems
That are in my head
That scream out your name

Because if you did
Oh god
If you did
There would be chaos
I love you and I'm afraid to admit it
LiviKawa Jan 2015
Your words tease me
And they play fantasies in my head
It's 11 o'clock and I should be asleep
But instead I'm laying here
Thinking of your passion
And the intensity of what you want me to do
Things only for me to hear
Take control baby
I'm all yours
LiviKawa Jan 2015
What is living
If our eyes don't gleam with excitement
If laughter isn't constantly escaping
If we never make mistakes
If we don't tan in the summer
Or have to wash dirt off of our feet
From those long walks in the woods

What is living*
If we are constantly worried about our sizes
If money is always being counted
If we always are hiding behind technology
If the only thing we fill our bodies with
is alcohol
Or drugs because depression is the only color we see

When did living become something that we have to be told how to do?
Nature has been forgotten
And so has our love
LiviKawa Dec 2014
"Lies do not becomes us"
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