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LiviKawa Oct 2014
My body
Is made of
Strings of stems
Linked together
With budding flowers
Emanating the
Most wonderful scents

It's made of
And millions of

But this shell
Is the only thing
You can see
And oh how
I wish to show you
The things that grow
Within me

Because then
Maybe you'd show
Me yours too
And I might get
A chance to discover
The Blues and Blacks
That make up the stars
In your veins
LiviKawa Oct 2014
If you think
I give a ****
Then you'll be
Sorely disappointed
When I come out
On top
And you're still
Gravelling on the ground
LiviKawa Oct 2014
We have to go
Where we can smile
And laugh
Push each other around
Without looking over our shoulders
Getting approval from the others

We have to go
Get away from here
Because our time is precious
And too many people waste it
When they are trying to find
Things to fill it with

We have to go
Somewhere where time flows
And we can sit and not have
To remember anything
Where all that's important
Is the sun
And the trees
The grass
And each other

We have to go
Because somedays
We just have to find someplace
Where we can just live
LiviKawa Sep 2014
My vision is cloudy
While my veins are filling with alcohol

My body becomes numb
With each cigarettes he hands me

My headaches grow louder and louder
From the memories of forever

You burned down my walls
I'll burn down your house

I ******* hate you
And I think you love it
LiviKawa Aug 2014
I cannot think
Of words that can
Explain the look in your eyes
When you saw how wild
You were making me

It's was intense
And beautiful
And it made me remember
All the things that
Made me fall in love with you
Deleting later probs
LiviKawa Aug 2014
We are far too different

I live for the rush
The danger and adventure

You live with a plan
The stability and foundation

But yet we both yearn for the kisses
That only come at 2am
And the I love you's
That have all the depth to them
That there ever could

When we are together
The planets align
And the moon calls our name
I cannot think straight
With your hot lips pressed to mine

We are far too different

Yet we are perfectly put together
And I wouldn't trade you for the world
LiviKawa Aug 2014
What is happy?

It's having low expectations
And not caring
About anything
But yourself

But I care about you
And I expected us to be
Something it never was

What is happy?

It's trying to walk
Even though
You know your legs
Are broken
But making sure
Everyone sees how hard
You are trying
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