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 Jun 2017 Evie
Chelsea Rae
I felt alone in the night
And I shouted in my mind
Give me a sign!
The wind went still and I felt like an imbecile.
Then the clouds moved past
And I was scared by the sudden moonlight cast,
I turned around, smiled and said,
"Hello to you too, Universe."
The moon is bright tonight.
 Jun 2017 Evie
Delta Swingline

They're empty first of all.
And anything or anyone that appears to be there, isn't actually there, you-- are dreaming. Don't believe me?

Let's play a game, it's called, "Where's Waldo?" With you as "Waldo".
Yes, that's right, you-- have to find yourself in this sea of walls, floors and people you do not know.

These people, with stoic faces, walk the same halls, looking for the same thing. They do not care that you are here, and you don't care that they are here.

Just get to the end of the hallway, but don't go into the light, you are not here to die -- you can't. You have to find yourself before you do. But there are some people who die before finding themselves in the "Where's Waldo?" page.

They're dead!

Out of this maze of halls you find yourself in.

But you...

You are determined. You will not leave without finding yourself, do not allow yourself to give up!


At the end of the hall! It's you!

You found yourself! You win the search! Now go!

Run! Get to them, yourself is waiting for you at the end of this hall.

RUN! Run as fast as your legs can carry you! Because you do not have time to think, so RUN!

They need you to save them! They're calling out to you, screaming for help, for You.

Get to them, grab their hand, save them!

...And just as you barely make contact with their hand and lock eyes with a body with the same eyes and face as you...

They begin to fade, to disappear!! WAIT!  NO!

Come Back!!

You were so close to saving them!

You wake up.

It was all just a dream.

You were dreaming right? You know you were dreaming!

You get up. Open the door... exit the room...

And you walk down a hallway...
I wish I could help myself... or save myself.
 Jun 2017 Evie
 Jun 2017 Evie
i wish i could tell you i love you, but i can not.

the words are too heavy on my tongue
to utter such a
bone-dry lie.

i'm high on your tar-black darkness -
that sick cloud of evil;
deep, dark, and broken.

my sun-blood will swallow you whole, so i can not tell you
that i love you.

you must split my lip and lick the lie from
my dripping

then beg me
to **** you again.
 Jun 2017 Evie
 Jun 2017 Evie
i never liked the number six
until you came along.
with your ****** minivan full of empty energy
and 9:30 “i’m here"s
at a faded memory
i told you that night i wanted to jump off a bridge
i told you that i didn’t want to be alive anymore
i told you things that i never thought would’ve come out if not already said
i never liked the number six
for some reason unknown
it made me shake.
but you opened up something in me
that i can’t quite explain
"if i need to, i will”
if i need to get starbucks i will
if i need to babble i will
if i need to, if i need to, if i need to.
and the car ride from that coffee shop seemed as if we were traveling at the speed of light.
i didn’t want it to end
i didn’t want my /life/ to end
“if i need to, i will”
i was never fond of the number six
but i was always fond
of you

— The End —