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 Jun 2015 Heliza Rose
The Seed
 Jun 2015 Heliza Rose
Among his brethren he finds himself
Scattered, he knows
the light cannot save him now
away from the reaches of his kind
he seeks solace
the dark can only bring.
Come Heaven’s wrath or Gaia’s rage
let the next day come.
He is grounded, safe
in Earth’s embrace
Until he sheds his skin,
Relinquish his shield.
Burst forth from the Haven that stifles his breath
Bloom Before his Brothers might breathe
Blossom Beyond his hours to be
He is where the light abates
Tell Hades to wait
Beyond the river, Before the gate
And when the time is ripe
Listen to the death of fate.
 Jun 2015 Heliza Rose
Nicole Dawn
If I fall
I doubt anyone would care

And if they did,
They'd probably be

Not concerned

More of a
She's gone"
Sort of thing

Not a
"Oh no,
She's slipping"
Sort of thing

But if for some odd reason
You see me falling
And want to help

Just walk away
Just let me fall

You can't catch me
I'm too heavy
From the weight of
Lies and regrets

We would both fall then
And it would be my fault

So if you see me falling
Follow your instinct,
*And just walk away
There's a difference betwen running
And trying to put something behind you
^copy n paste
This is the only thing  I can figure out to help me over come the past.
The night before, she whispered,
"The quickest way to break a heart
is to pretend you have one."

like you've never heard before.
And she sat next to me, radiating.
Her body jumped with every bump,
as foam blossomed out of her mouth.

And I promised her
that I would get her there in time.
And her dealer promised me
he didn't give her anything.

I was howling,
like you and I have never heard before.
And her glazed eyes would open.
And my eyes were wide shut.
Her body lain crooked,
like the antenna of the wrecked car
my grandfather left me.

And I wondered if the planet
was moving too quickly
or if I wasn't moving fast enough -
before I decided the only time
that was real, was now.

The police sirens were howling,
like the suburbs have never heard before.
The wails were begging me to pull over.
And the flashes of red and blue
danced across her ivory skin.
She mumbled to her deceased grandma,
and I asked her to stay.

And in that moment,
I tried to numb myself.
I tried to detach
and let the river carry me.

I was howling,
like the deputy
had never heard before.
I begged for an escort.
I begged to go back into my car.
He looked at her knotted body
but didn't see her like I saw her.
And he told me to remain calm.
He told me to stop yelling -
but I couldn't express enough.
I couldn't release enough desperation.

And the river carried me
to the rocks before the fall.
At the bottom, I knew she was dying,
and this killed me, most of all.

I was howling her name,
like she had heard before -
but not this time.
No, not this time.

The night before, she whispered,
"The quickest way to break a heart
is to pretend you have one."
People say ,"You scared the hell out of me".
I think, There is a Hell inside of all of us.
Either we want to get out
Or we haven't got in yet.
Hell inside of us are the voices that tell us negative thoughts.
That are screaming at us to do things.
Are the disturbing thoughts that float around our mind.
We have Hell Inside Of Us.
Copyright © 2015 Camron Elliott
 May 2015 Heliza Rose
my love for you
was spoken into
the night is still silent,
the moon cloud-hidden.
 May 2015 Heliza Rose
 May 2015 Heliza Rose
He Ditched you and left your heart in torment
He Summoned storm to ruin your sunny weather

*"He gives you moment, I'm willing to give you forever."
It's about a girl, with a broken heart. My lines her thought, my rhymes her taught. 2bars
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