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 Dec 2014 Rebekah
Are we a couple?
Do we act like one?
Does it hurt?
That depends on which one of us you ask.
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
you were my spine,
now I can't sit up straight.
Don't leave me
Who do you think you are?
You'd be nothing without me
Don't you dare leave me
You know I'm everyone's favorite place
Why should you be any different
Your comfort zone
People needs to realize that you gain the most when you leave your comfort zone
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
Brandon Navarro
The way your smile looks like
a few rough times came in and knocked out your teeth
but the child stayed,
your laugh and it's booming base
like I'm at a metal concert being thrashed around by hundreds of people.
The way your eyes look like someone said something mean to you but you told them to *******,
the way your skins feel against my skin soft like satin with an underlay of warmth.
How you didn't talk to me all week and I'm not mad
in fact all I did was think of you
and your smile, your laugh, your voice and your body against mine.
the way your hug makes me realize how infuriatingly fragile I am and your arms are like the paste that holds me together.

I'm falling and I'm scared.
Just going through some times
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
BertJane Perez
You are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People adore you while I watch from the trees
You handle yourself with dignity and pride
While I'm easily swept by the wind's blowing tide

You are a rose the most confident of them all
And I am a leaf that can easily fall
You have this beauty that radiates love
That beauty you have I could sense from above

You are a rose that can only stay in the grass
And I am a leaf that wishes to be with you at last
But you are a rose and I am a simple leaf
People will adore you, while I can only watch from the trees
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
Morgan Nicole
we were just children, innocent and free
passing the time underneath that tree
boundless giggles and secrets shared
trying anything that our small limbs dared

you were a bit odd, but so was I
with you I cold be anyone: a hero, a spy
but something in you was never secure
of our friendship you were no longer sure

slowly the tree began to sway
that tree under which we would play
the leaves began to fall one by one
as our bonds were carefully undone

I kept faith, but you never could
and so that tree became nothing but wood
but there I still stood, looking at a graveyard
thinking that I could still keep guard

then I realized the bitter truth:
we are no longer the people we were in our youth
so you can have your friends, and I'll keep mine
and our roots will not again intertwine

and maybe the tree will grow anew
for different children, whose friendship is true.
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
 Dec 2014 Rebekah
There's something comforting about crying yourself to sleep with a storm raging outside your window.

The rain, your tears.
The howling wind, your sobs.
The thunder, your pounding heart.

Almost as if you're crying, so the world is crying with you.
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