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harley jane Jan 2020
Her golden locks of blonde hair
Were once brunette

Her baby blue eyes that sparkle like diamonds in the sun
Were once a shade of mocha brown

He glanced at her natural beauty
And decided it wasn't enough

So she quickly made arrangements
And the new her was born.
I wrote this about a woman who change her appearance for the "love of her life"
harley jane Jan 2020
Happy New Year!

I glance over at him
And he stares back at me
In the moment
We realize that

Seven years of loving each other
Was worth everything
Pain and patience
Happiness and sadness

We believe in each other
We know that what we have
Is truly extraordinary
And that we are in it for the long run

I look into those emerald eyes
He looks into my doe-brown eyes
The entire world comes to a stop
And our lips lock to our new year.
Just a little poem for my boyfriend. Hes been by my side for a long time even through my darkest times. And yes, we were 12 when we started dating. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year :)
harley jane Dec 2019
December 13, 2018

all lowercase
My mother never texted me in school
And when she did, it was straight to the point

"call me"
all lowercase
something must be really wrong
she would've pulled me out if it was too serious, right?

my fingertips feel like rocks
as i force them to dial her number
the phone only rang once
when I heard her sniffle

At first, her words were inaudible
I was frantic trying to figure out the code
and just when i found the signal spot
Her words broke me in two

"Cory died, honey"
I stopped dead in my tracks
in front of the guidance counselors office
A single tear down my cheek

I hoped, no, I prayed it was a dream
and in that moment reality hit me
Like a truck racing at full speed
And I walk into her office

In a broken sentence,
I told the secretary it was urgent
And when she wouldn't give up
I yelled as if it was all I could do

I watched my mother's car pull into the school parking lot
And when I entered, it was silent
the kind of silence that deafens you
And i think of him

He wasn't my brother by blood
He was my brother because he treated me like family
More than my own family ever has
There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of him

I like to think
that even when i am alone
he is always here
watching over me.
This poem is all over the place but I needed to write. Today has just been kind of hard with this flashbulb memory.
  Dec 2019 harley jane
David J
Poems can have rules
Theres a system to writing
But life is messy
                                             It will happen
.be opposite of the expected linE

But you know what...
Its growing on me
I enjoyed this one alot. Life is so hard, but its how an action can have 7 diffrent meanings to 7 diffrent people the depth of just the most basic things. How It can be so hard to say whats wrong whats right, how you can feel so conflicted. Hate someone but understand where there coming from. Its life. And i see that all this chaos, its why its soooo spectacularly beautiful when you see and feel love. Enjoy the company of a friend, the love of couples, of family. When people forgive. Idk you probably get it. This worlds insane,dark,horrible,cruel. but i can see now that, even while these may be true... its still beautiful.
harley jane Dec 2019
I can never sleep
When midnight thoughts fill my brain
Until the morning.
I can't sleep, so here is this. :)
harley jane Dec 2019
The day you told me
you would never change
Is the same day
I watch you become a stranger

Lies flooded from your mouth
Like a hurricane floods a town
And from that day forward
I built my walls back up

Since day one
We’ve been groomed to be best friends
And that is how it stayed
Until you made it come to an end

You called me heinous names
You took my feelings into your palm
And crushed them
Just for your own pleasure

You call yourself a leader
But you follow in others footsteps
Until you become addicted
To every drug they are

The drug of attention
That you’ve always craved
Because mommy and daddy
Didn’t give you enough

The drug of social acceptance
Because what is life
Without a thousand followers
And at least five-hundred likes per post

I have learned
To grow without you
To become independent
To stand up for myself

But no matter how hard I try
I will never be rid of you
Because you
Are simply blood.
harley jane Dec 2019
His arms wrap around
My fragile and worn-out soul
So that I can rest.
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