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harley jane Dec 2019
His arms wrap around
My fragile and worn-out soul
So that I can rest.
harley jane Dec 2019
My blanket is warm
It covers my toes at night
And will keep me safe.
harley jane Dec 2019
The candle that flickers in the distance
The night-light that illuminates the room
Still doesn’t protect me from the monster
That isn’t really there

He lives in the darkest corner of my room
And waits until I am asleep
To lurk into the faint light
And show his faceless face

As I awake from my slumber
He puts a trace on my soul
So that he can safely approach
My defenseless body

I lie their as still as a statue
I try hard to let out a scream
And when nothing comes out
He stands over top of me

He knows he is winning
When he stares into my petrified eyes
But when I look back at him
I wonder if he is trying to make me stronger

He takes his nonexistent hands
And places them onto my chest
And with increasing pressure
He squeezes the breath out of my body

I gather all the strength I have
Trying to force a movement
And just when I’ve given up
I feel my toes wiggle

Relief rushes through my body like a drug
And finally the movement transfers
From my toes to my legs
From my legs to my entire body

I break free from his despicable clutch
And I let out an ear piercing scream
I spring out from under the covers
In hopes that I catch my terrorist

I hear the stomps of my parents
Coming from the hallway
They enter my room
Before I can tell them “no”

And the hall light produces
Just enough light
To make my demon

I hang my head in defeat
My parents make sure that I am okay
And after they tuck me in I lie in bed
And wait for him to visit again.
harley jane Dec 2019
Doggy, doggy oh how I love
The way you wear your bright red glove
Flop, flop, flop down the road
You comes across a big fat toad

You better watch out you big fat toad
Sitting there in the middle of the road
You better go…
Oh no…

He lied there flat
Big fat Fred

But life must carry on.
I wrote this a while ago to be funny.
harley jane Dec 2019
The cute old couple across the way
Gaze at the phone screen
Their expressions are joyful and gay
And life is as happy as it may seem

I can not help but wonder
What are they watching?
Could it be oh so somber?
Or in her wedding dress is she walking?

As she walks to load the washing device
He follows to make sure she will not fall
Because losing her is not worth the price
Of living alone at all

So watching the phone they resume
Until they can leave very soon.
harley jane Dec 2019
Every time I stare into his emerald eyes
I see the pupil that beholds the galaxy of our future
A future filled with lilac painted skies
And a world completely to ourselves

When I look at him
The feeling of safety rushed into my body
And I feel invincible
As if we can do whatever we want

However I am ready to accept the ugly side of him
The side that he does not let everyone see
Because in order to love a person
You must accept their entire being

And as our lives progress  
I slowly but surely uncover my walls
To let him see
The ugly side of me

Like an alternate universe
Our ugly alter-egos grow to love each other
And it allows our love
To grow stronger.

— The End —