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 Oct 2015 happily anonymous
"How can you crave something deeper from another, when you refuse to look past the skin..?"
 Jul 2015 happily anonymous

Watercolor kisses
paint an azure canvas
atop a yawning horizon
in honeysuckle brushstrokes
and soft daffodil tints
as your lips touch mine
this wonderful morning
creating yet another
masterpiece on
*my heart
Good morning beautiful
 Jul 2015 happily anonymous
she drank
over those who
didnt care,
and built walls
to keep away
those who did.
graves upon graves
lie within these pools
of black blood rising to overcome
to swallow the chains
and binds
while blind eyes stare blankly
into the ravenous face of death
bewarethese mortal coils that tie
but soon are released to emptiness
and the further emaciation of
tumescent lips
drops of sweet wine
on the pallid visage of
life eternal
I shattered your car's windows
You might think it was pathetic
I broke every single mirror in your house
You might think I'm desperate
But the truth is I tried to find the closest thing
You did to my heart when you broke it
What do you regret most in life ?*
The moments I regret the most were you
The moments I shared with you
The moments I wasted on you
The moments I thought about you
The moments I cared about you
The moments I regret the most
Was any moment that has do with
Including every poem
I made about you,
Because you were
The only thing that
Motivated me
I regret it the most

All of it
Mi'Ja <-----    Big help
Living is often like drowning, and sleeping like flying,
So bridges and tall buildings always tempt me.
When I talk about death I feel brave.
I've always hated how recognition can so easily turn into pride.
They say pride comes before the fall,
But I believe that various kinds of self-centeredness are the origin of all unholy descents.
I remind myself that I shouldn't take my life because I didn't give it,
And my heart continues to beat on its own.
Blood doesn't stain crimson red,
It darkens and crusts on the skin.
Everything that is dead becomes only a memory,
Then it disintegrates and washes away, eventually becoming nothing.
I can’t remember anything from before I had the ability to reason,
So when did I come alive?
I wonder if all people valued beauty,
Would there be peace?
Because I sometimes wonder whether Neil Armstrong meant to say what he did as took his first step on the moon.
I think trying is as valuable as doing,
But justification is a dangerous tool.
I am cautious of failure and success;
But count this as my eulogy
A list of things that I am going to say before my untimely death.
*I recognized the world for the canvas it was and I didn't waste my life.
My dreams were my motivation,
And they were fueled by those that underestimated me
I walked streets day and night and prayed that I would somehow run into the girl of my dreams,
and when I finally found my missing rib I looked at her like she was a piece of art that I just couldn't keep my eyes off of.
I suffered and I found its nectar bitter-sweet.
I didn't get the best of life, but then I made the best of life.
I never stopped caring,
my love for the unlovable made me daring.
I trusted too easily so I was always broken.
I always found things to love, but they never loved me,
But despite it, I still loved, hard, even though it hurt me.
I couldn't comfort because I had never been comforted.
After a lifetime of battling myself, I finally took off my crown of thorns.
I didn't let the past get the best of me,
I gave the future all of me.
I hated animosity,
War was despicable to me,
And I always preached peace.
I prayed constantly that my efforts would not be in vain.
I never actually could stop sinning,  but despite my ugly sins, I never stopped straining.
I was not perfect, but I did the best I could.
I never ceased to hear the music.
I still played, even when I felt like I was playing solo, I still played my part in this symphony of life.
My eyes were aimed at the director, and we played through the storm,
We played even when all hell was against us,
We played, and played, and played
Until eternity came through.....
It was a hot summer day
And as we brushed pass eachother
I couldn't help but think
I wish he were mine
That way I could show you off
Tell the world I'm in love
Tell everyone I found the one

And that day you approach me
With all kinds of silly things
We exchanged numbers
And what a fool was I
Because I wasn't ready for love
Turns out love isn't as
Kind, Loving, and Gentle
As I thought it would be
When I die, dear Mother
don't give my body away
to science.

I'd rather have it given away to poetry.

I want people to cut me open
and observe
how my bones were riddled with
melancholic verses of joyful pasts.

They have to see
the scarlet of my blood was the hue
I stole from the sunsets of
wishful thoughts.

Dear Mother,
give my body away
to the art of writing:
for they have to look past
everything they have ever learned.

They must know
of how much I loved and I lost,
and how that made the twine of my ribs
a story to tell.
Haven't written anything new in months.
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