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Falling for a demon boy
No shock from a silver tongue girl
But is it worth it to be his toy?
And feel my own world begin to whirl?
He is of lust, yet I am of love
And his eyes and my heart may get along
But the voices from above
Tell me this is all so wrong
I knew I'd fall if he called may name, asking for me back.
But what is it that makes me feel cold? What is it that my heart may lack?
I fear that he will leave me, break my heart again
And watch as I die of a broken heart, and see my own story end.
What is it about this demon boy, that I love so much?
I can't explain it at all, because I know it is more than lust.
It isn't all about his looks, even though he does have charm.
It's not that he's my hero, because he has caused me harm.
Maybe it is that darkness, in which I seem to know.
For I seem more afraid of the light than the dark.
Just as I fear summer and enjoy the winter snow.
I would never swim with fish, but I'd prefer the shark.
Always on the dark side, always in misery.
For misery loves me and my company.
Maybe this boy is Misery, that is just his secret name.
And all of my feelings, to him is just a game.
For how am I to know trust? When he will hardly speak my name
More concerned with calling me territory than treating me at least human.
Maybe this love is where the happiness will end and my life of dedication to him will begin.
Sleep, here take these pills
Never gonna sleep again
Go to bed, close your eyes and you will eventually begin to dream
That's a lie, I have tried it all, counting sheep, warm milk, even running till I could not run any further, yet no sleep has come to me nor will it ever
You need to sleep, if we must, we'll take you to a hospital**
Go ahead, strap me down, see if I will rest, cause once I do, I won't wake up and I will have died upon that bed. Just another tragic tale of my insomnia once again. Except this time, my story ends.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
i want
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
I want to softly whisper
incomplete poems
on your collar bones
that don't rhyme with anything
but your heavy breathing.

I want to bury my face
in the curves of your neck
because you smell like the winter clouds
and I've been gazing at the sky
since you left.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
Ryan Marie
I found myself staring at you
from across the Chemistry room.
I found my mind creating these poems about your eyes,  
about your smile,
about your voice.
You created these poems in my head
like a seed and water create a flower.
I had these flowers blooming like crazy in my head like my hand
held a pen losing its ink with every word I scrawled down.
I planted these flowers into the paper
just as you had done to me.
As I found myself creating these poems in my head
I realized I had no idea how to stop them.
They had a mind of their own, these poems,
they were growing like a wildfire,
just like the flowers you'd embedded into my brain.
Take a rip and pass it around
Because you know what's up
when this **** goes down.

They call me an *******.
But what's wrong with wanting to be the king of the castle?
So when I step into my zone
you better not get caught.
Because you know nothing
of the battles I've fought.
Blood and tears spilled over the years.
Burning bridges.
All the result
of wrong decisions.

So take a rip and pass it around.
because it picks me up,
when I'm feeling down.
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
Just Melz
As we travel lifes long road
We meet and make new friends
And even though the friends may go
The friendship never ends

That is how it is with you
You gave me a fresh start
You gave me vision, you gave me hope
You touched and healed my heart

You gave me strength to do the things
You knew that I could do
You inspired me in so many ways
I can't begin to repay you

You're always there when I need you most
Somehow you seem to know
And that is why I hope and pray
Our friendship continues to grow
I found this in an old journal, I know the first stanza is a quote from a famous poet/person ( if you know the name please tell me) the rest, to be honest, I'm not sure if I wrote it or if it's all from that poet. I wrote it in my journal about ten years ago, so I'm really unsure. If you know, please tell me.

Update: The Original Author is
Kunal Badlani

I'd like to dedicate this to Frank, Adam, Jordan, Quin, Rose, Natasha, and Rino. Thank you all, for being my friends. I can't tell you how much it means to me.

I love you all.
Rejoice and cheer!
We are here!
In golden sun,
We are number one.

Be grateful for what we’ve got,
Even though it’s not a lot.
Forget that stress,
You’re NOT in such a mess
As you think you are,
In fact you’re a star.

Think Positive I say,
Knowing it’s a cliché.
Yes, every dog has his day.

With special thanks to thee,
Readers of HP.
Thanks for all those Views and comments,
I love it when they come in torrents.
Like it when you like my stuff;
Without such feedback, life is tough.

Let’s celebrate all that we call ‘Good’.
Let Joy immerse us, in a flood.

Paul Butters
Inspired by an article on how to fight stress by "being grateful" about good things.
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