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  Oct 2019 Donna
Beauty of autumn
   As I watch the sunset fades
    Yellow, mellow, gold
  Oct 2019 Donna
Pagan Paul
Two Knights out and two Knights in,
two Knights in the tourney ring.
With a lance and sword and shield,
no quarter must either Knight yield.

With each muscle and each breath
they must fight on until death.
With mace chain and insult calls,
two Knights stand 'til one of them falls.

The white Knight is a charmer,
black Knight in polished armour,
to win a fair Princess to wed.

The white Knight is a chancer,
the black Knight is a dancer,
who will die on a grassy bed?

© Pagan Paul (25/05/19)
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
A molecule of water
Never alone
Different atoms
Sharing is strength
Creating covalent bonds
  Oct 2019 Donna
Ronell Warren Alman
Be the person to never quit
Just give it your all
Always have a can-do attitude
Learn to stand up tall
As you climb that ladder
Visualize doing your best
Maintain a positive demeanor
And be a cut above the rest
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Long long ago, i used to think
Words hung on the trees,
along with the leaves
To handpick them and use, as and when
easy, it would be

Drenched in the storms of my anger
The words grew bitter and brittle
The winds blew away the right ones
Harder i tried, farther they flew
Left with few and later none
Lost I did feel, with not a word
that could heal

Rooted in me
The words
They were always there
Took me a while
To finally find

Weathering all storms
Calming the seas
Bearing the fruits
The words alive
Sweetened and pruned
To anger, immune
Very old thoughts, found words, alive
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