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How can anyone know
what you are feeling,
when you don't even know yourself?

How can anyone understand
what you are going through,
when it makes no sense to one's self?

How can anyone begin to determine
the thoughts that are running
through your mind?

Nobody can feel or understand
the raw emotions
that you alone come to find!

Nobody knows you better
than you know yourself,

If your lucky, in your lifetime,
you may unravel the riddle;
only then
will you find your true self!

By Lady R.F ©2017
The tide
has washed out,

Leaving only fear
and doubt.

The sand
on the bare, naked shore
is damp and cold,

The tide swept away
all that was
meaningful--the treasure
of gold!

Picture perfect,
now a distant memory,

Out of sight
is their beautiful life -
a love exemplary.

The crystal-clear water
has travelled too faraway
to reach-out and touch,

Long gone
is their loving reflection -
aching, they both miss it
so much!

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Mar 2017 grld
Amethyst Fyre
My life is tied neatly in a pretty red bow, ribbons of inseperability threaded between my planet and my soul,
braided into my hair and my heart

I do not know how to breathe without hearing the sound of others gasping for air
And I ask again
When will the world change?
though I mean to say
When will we teach each other how to swim?
Because we have always been drowning in tragedy salted by tears, drowning in the sea

Somehow, I opened my eyes on an island made of gold, bright enough to blind me from the sea, but not bright enough to stop me from hearing
I still hear you choking on the water in your lungs, still hear you drowning,
The ribbons unraveled but snapping at my feet


I can't help but wonder
if I'll ever be happy when pretzels taste like tragedy
if I'll ever be happy while I can still hear the tears

If ever I will be happy when red ribbons on presents remind me that the whole world is drowning
Just struck by how privileged I am and how often I take that for granted.
Sometimes I wonder if I make myself feel the way I do so that I can match the rest of the world.
Thanks for reading!
Life is scary because its unpredictable,
But then it is its mystery that gives hope.
When opportunity knocks,
Open the door,go through it..
Its discouraging when we realise we may not see tomorrow,so we just let life be and not feel like taking control,
But what we should realise is that we may actually see tomorrow and regret losing an opportunity..
Therefore whatever you can lay your hands on today,do it with your whole heart optimistically hoping that you will see the results of your work.
Life is unpredictable,its deep like that but its beautiful.. so much beauty we can find in it..
Be fulfilled,be blessed!
 Mar 2017 grld
Scarlet Niamh
 Mar 2017 grld
Scarlet Niamh
How can your hands
be so warm
when your blood
is so cold?
~~ There is something lonely about happiness. ~~
 Mar 2017 grld
 Mar 2017 grld
I laid myself down
beneath the summer moon.
The breeze was warm,
and grass was cool.
I gazed at the trees
swaying in the breeze,
and listened to the stream
flowing free as could be.
I want to be the water
running wild as a dream.
I want to be the rain
dripping off of the leaves,
but what I want even more
is to be the blood in your veins,
to take over your heart,
and soak up all your pain.  
I would make you forget
all the hate and disdain.
I would fill you with joy,
and kiss your soul everyday.
~ I would take it all away ~
 Mar 2017 grld
Shi Em
 Mar 2017 grld
Shi Em
But I have built my walls so
high and strong,
that I can't seem to find a way
to break them down.
i'm guessing this is my karma
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