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I once met a girl
who became the reason why I was smiling everyday
but I was young
I was stupid and I stuffed it up
but honestly she was so amazing
borderline perfection
but I swear I fell for her
and I fell for her hard
she had me telling strangers how great she was
she was the kind of girl you write songs and poems for
the kind of girl you'll drop everything for
she was the one who changed me
leaving a mark I would never forget
a void I can never fill
and now I just feel so ****
She was the girl who made me write my first poem, She was the girl who left me breathless with a pounding  heart and racing mind.
Drops of tears
Desolately clinging
To the eyelashes
Holds the melancholy
Befallen tragedy
Oozing from the soul
Reflecting the inner world
Waiting for those hands
To wipe them away
Before it deluges
The whole world
"Thinking is a good factor of good living."
- *
Pastor Ancho Buenaventra
 Feb 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
is there a rehab
for self-hatred?
because i don't
fall into drugs.
i fall back into
hating myself.
 Feb 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
Blood work. Glucose tolerance tests.
Appointment following appointment.
Cat Scans and MRI's. Radioactive liquids to ingest and fainting spells.

An awful rendition of some woeful soap opera is playing day by day updates on what is ailing my seemingly healthy shell.

Maybe it's hypoglycemia? Maybe it's not. Maybe the oxygen that my brain is writhing for isn't being delivered because options A,B, & C are the direct result of head trauma age 14. Or was it 18? Forgive me; I can't recall information lately.

I'm not even surprised that somewhere within my cells the ATCG format to my beautiful helix strands aren't aligned. I suspected.

Instead I go through  phases of crashing emotions. Each wave more dizzying than the last. Maybe that's my blood pressure plummetting again?

In any case, the most consistent emotional response I experience is not questioning what, but considering the maybe. Maybe I deserve this? Yes. This may be what I deserve.
To some she is a shining light
A flash of hope amongst the dark
An optimistic helping hand
To pull you from the dark
And cheer your sorrow

To some she is a black hole
Pulling the world down with sadness
Reliving the past that broke her
And stabbing others with the shards

To some she is simple words
plastered on a white canvas painting a picture.
never more
but never less

To most she is unnoticeable
A tiny footnote scribbled in the corner of a forgotten notebook
A wall flower whose thorns push away all but those with the key to her locked heart.

When you ask me what she is
The answer is impossible
Because I don't know

But I can tell you what she's not

She is not a beautiful face, to stop you in a crowd

She is not a chatting girl to talk you into a date

She is not a innocent flower
Welcoming with open arms

She is not a genius to create the next invention

She is not a musician, an author, a designer, a star, a doctor, or a hero

She is not a loving companion for you to hold, and remember your every need

She is not a great friend, always there in a flash.

She is not a friendly person, starting up the conversation

She is not a good cook, making meals that are edible

She is not an unscarred girl, unscathed by the past

She is not a beautiful figure
That draws your eyes

She is not hilariously funny
Ready for stand up comedy

She is not someone to remember though she will remember you

However she is not fazed by judges
Changing ways to suit them

She is not perfect

She is not stopped by her imperfections, only pressed farther to become something more.

And though I can not say who she is or what she will be. Here's what I can say

To me she will always be the girl staring back in the mirror.
Sorry this poem is so long. But please feel free to coment any interpretations and to like/ repost
Tell me...
Tell me who you are
Tell me something about you
Tell me your name, what you do...
Tell me...tell me
What makes you happy and what makes you sad...
Tell me what you think when you go the river...
When you climb in that big tree, what do you see...
Tell about that tattoo on your neck...
That scar above your left eye...
Tell me... What's your favorite color,
Your favorite song...
That book you always carry around...
Tell me what inspires you...
Tell me about your world...
Because i would like to be part of it...
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