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GQ James Nov 2020
Look into your eyes and I see you,
Not all of them can see but I see,
The beauty of who you really are isn't seen,
The elegance of your beauty isn't seen,
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
Every set of eyes are different,
What one sees another won't see.

Those thick thighs,
Them beautiful curves,
That big ****,
Is not what that caught me,
Your beautiful mind is what caught me,
Your body is what I saw,
Your mind is what keeps me.

Many have great assets,
Not many have a beautiful mind,
Intellectual connections are forever,
You can become tiresome of a big **** and smile,
The physical becomes tiresome,
The intellectual last forever,
Let's keep this moment.
GQ James Nov 2020
At one point you were all I wanted,
Now all I want is distance,
The lessons I learned being away changed my life,
Life just ain't the same anymore,
Can't expect things to stay the same,
As we get older things change,
We change as individuals,
We want different things.

What you once wanted you grow tired of it,
The back and forth just ain't what I want,
The past is just that the past,
The person you once knew is now dead,
I didn't like who I was becoming,
So I made the changes to become better,
Can't be better if we don't become better.

I can do bad all by myself don't need help with that,
The distance has brought me different things,
Life has taught me more than expected,
So many different lessons,
I made my many mistakes,
Caused lots of pain onto others,
I was young and I had no cares,
Now that I'm older I appreciate others more,
Never take what's in front of you for granted.

The mistakes we make in our past,
Come to haunt us in our future,
The past mistakes never go away,
They create bigger issues for us later,
Nothing we do is forgotten,
Karma sneaks up on us,
You'll never see her coming.
GQ James Nov 2020
The beauty ranges from your eyes,
To your lips, to your thighs, to your legs,
To the color of your skin. When I look at you I see many things not just one thing.
We have had friendship, companionship, marriage.
We had ups and downs,
Smiles and frowns,
Sweat and tears,
Losing you was never easy,
But loving you meant I had to let you go,
My love for goes beyond what I can show,
It wasn't the easiest love,
But it was our love.

All the women never meant anything to me,
You meant everything to me,
I cared, loved and adored you,
I only gave them pleasure,
I gave you something irreplaceable, my heart.
Things could've turned out better,
But I don't regret nothing,
It was all done the way it needed to be done.

No rings on our fingers but we're forever bonded,
Papers or no papers still be my only wife,
My heart will forever reign in your heart,
Moving on doesn't mean you're see forgotten,
Just means I care enough to save our hearts,
The pain has gotten the best of us,
No need to cause each other anymore pain,
Love you enough to let you be happy without me.
GQ James Nov 2020
The silence says more than you can ever realize.
You caught me by surprise and hurt by them lies.
I know you couldn't see my cries but my cries were genuine as my love was. Loving you has never been easy but has been painful. The pain drowns what could be a beautiful love. The toxicity has blurred the place of love.

Don't get me wrong the times shared are something that I'll never trade but memories fade. Love will forever be inside me but won't be the same as nothing ever will be. We both had a hand in the conclusions of what has taken place. I've forever seen the pain in your eyes but back then I was too into self.

As you get older and grow things come different for you. Growth and maturity plays a big part in our lives.
We can't expect everything to be the same, when we're aren't the same. Open your mind not keep our minds closed. Matrimony is sacred until that bond is broken. Once the trust is gone there's nothing left.

Your words spoken from anger and pain are more true than you realize. The truth comes from one in pain because they can feel it deeply inside them.
Never deny what's true to settle for something that's not meant for you. Accept what's taken place and what you're feeling and move forward.
GQ James Nov 2020
You can lock me up but can't lock up my mind,
Can't change who I am,
You can **** me but can't **** my spirit,
My soul can't be taken from me,
I'm prayed up and covered with holy water,
The baptism of my sins,
Ain't perfect but my old ways are gone,
I've reincarnated my soul and been given a new one.

Nothing is forgotten,
Karma is very much real,
We have to answer to things we do,
How we treat others will come back upon you,
I've confessed my sins,
I've been forgiven,
But nothing will ever be forgotten.

Take a long look within yourself,
You shall see past the surface,
The element of our ways aren't always right,
You can't see nothing when you you're stuck within yourself. Open yourself up not stay closed off.

We can see more than ourselves,
If we step outside of ourselves,
There's more to the world than ourselves,
Life has more to offer than we realize,
I took a step back and realized that for myself,
Life has gotten better when I became better.
GQ James Nov 2020
Drugs flooded through the cities and streets,
Homelessness is all over and through the streets,
The struggle getting real hectic,
The struggle is taking over but let's end it,
The pandemic is taking over the lives of our people,
Our brothers and our sisters,
This pandemic is our biggest killer.

This can't be it for us,
In God we must trust don't let the devil win,
The devil comes to **** and destroy,
The poisonous venom will **** the life outta you,
The strength of prayer will keep us safe.
GQ James Nov 2020
Family ain't always family. Ever felt like you were on the outside? Ever felt like you were outcasted? Ever felt like you didn't get in the family? It be like that sometimes. We are all born into a family but that doesn't mean you're family. Family is more than those who you're connected to by blood. Family loves you, cares for you and there for unconditionally.
The ones who aren't your blood treat you better than the ones who are your blood. A brother ain't always a brother. A sister ain't always a sister. A father ain't always a father. A mother ain't always a mother. Just let it sink in and marinate in your mind. Families aren't as close as they should be.

The ones we should keep close, we distance ourselves from. Let's put the hate down and let's share the love. Life is too short to have so much hate in our hearts. It's easier to love than it is to hate. Why spend your whole life mad and angry about something so simple? Is it worth it? What if they die, would you be okay with that? All that anger you're carrying around ain't doing nothing but hurting you.
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