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The secret of love is seeking variety in your life together, and never letting routine chores dull the melody of your romance.. conduct your business with a clear mind
 Dec 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
Sometimes I seek the solitude of a quiet room, just to hear my mind speak aloud. To question all that I've built in this world, and whether or not I am allowed, to act on it.

Should you ever find me doing this, don't judge me for it, and don't question it.

Because believe me if I knew why my mind requires this. I wouldn't have to close the door, or lock myself externally in.

I guess sometimes what is inside, is not always willing to coincide, with what the heart tries to keep alive. And this is why sometimes I hide.

In order to unlock the locked away inside.
Dance with me,
under a raincloud,
as sunshine bursts,
like schoolchildren;
leaping through the double doors,
of a rustic brick building.
Flowerpots filled to the brim
with cigarette butts, and bad
decisions, ones made
after dancing on the boardwalk,
as the darkness shrinks away,
for the sun brightens and shakes.
Quivers—the world spinning and spinning.
All but forgotten
not love but loneliness
that prevails
in profound sadness
and self pity
you could be loved
you might be cherished
no one sees the pain
asking how you are
with a smile in the morning
or how the day went
over a cup of tea in the evening
never a serious question
never sincere

You try your best to tell them
the sensation is not unlike
biting your tongue when eating
the mouth opens and
you want to say "ouch!"
but you're in too much pain
to move your tongue
then you remember
as the pain finally subsides
they don't care
this is just one of life's formalities
you keep it bottled up
and move on...
It's like there's bitter in the sunshine
Looking forward to the days ahead
I'll learn, something worse or difficult
Can't release pressure on everything

Let the winter rain decide my sleeps
Half eyed, must warm up my lungs
Run to the bleeding point, I will stop
Where there's smoke, I'll rush there

Frozen birds in the street paths
Decaying without belief in heat
The beauty or fierce of winter
Snow flakes fall to cover reality
The portrait of a winter.
Been  down  with  a  nasty
chest  Infection.
Finished  my  Amoxicillin
caps  last  night.
Hope  to  feel  better  soon.
Take  care.  Everyone.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK. 2016.
Passed  the  lake  last  evening.
It  looked  dark,dank  and  threatening.
In  the  fast  fading  light.
The  moody  mountains  stood  tall.
With  thick  mist  swirling  across.
In  ghostly  fashion.
A  complete  contrast  to  the  summer  view.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.

 Dec 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
silence reaches down from the farthest corners of space
claims my inner voices' be still and listen'
and I find myself listening for days unable to speak a word
and into the void of silence I touch the stars.
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