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slowly the fog creeps
in our township's sleeping streets
dense is its heavy shroud
Four o'clock
dusk is sinking
shadows eagerly waiting
to usurp the day
Winter's germinating
chilly roots burrowing
to the bone
will children reap
the harvest of snow
will its pale smothering
conceal broken homes
as the bitterness
grows  or
rekindle the warmth of hearts
that froze?
Petals of love fall softly
in a warm breeze.
They tickled senses,
readying self for storm to cleanse.

Thunder strikes shaking body
as roots of truth cling to
earth's soil for balance.

Cool air vibrates merging with breath
shifting consciousness to
awaken self to meet self.

A song is echoed proudly
seeing my mirror image,
to know who I am.

In moment, I whispered
with poetic beauty
as a sweet scented fragrances carries me  
into a vortex of peace.

A place where poetic song meets the moment
And the moment is engulfed
with the flow of creation.
Inspired by Graff1980  Thank you
You won't always feel as deeply as me
It's the unexpected hardship of my life
You won't always love as deeply as me
It's the great disappointment of my life.

I always care about you, sweetheart
but you treat me like I'm your enemy
I always miss you when you are apart
Though you don't think of my company.

People know you love me very much
You hate me, even my shadow
I still believe you miss my loving touch
Will you open your hidden window?

If my love is true, you will come back
You'll be embarrassed by your behavior
I promise I will make you my spark
Sweetie, I will be here with you forever.
 Nov 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
 Nov 2017 Geetha Jayakumar


 ­   enchanting

     ­       afire,




­            grace,

         ­   glance,

Secrets create,
Enemies and friends.
Can start new trends.
Reveal new tech.
Endanger peace.
Turn blue to red.
Secret whispers.

Secrets welcome.
Extra income.
Conditional love.
Regretful outcomes.
Emotional sin.
The hidden grin.
Secret whispers.

Secret sounds.
Entrapped inside.
Craves to be found.
Results in lies.
Eats till it dies,
Till realized.
Secret whispers, do not hide.
 Nov 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
In this world where you and I live
A place where one takes first then to give
Here where women and men are almost equal
But the role extends and so comes the sequel
Some reserved countries despise such rights
When they are well aware of regional fights
Third world countries seem to be rising
It starts first with food and accessory pricing
Drugs and violence has touched the heights
Most youngsters struggle in such plight
The focus of righteousness on needy
Have fallen into the hands of greedy
The poor gets poorer and rich gets richer
In the mask of a dark slave images a preacher
Angels of dark walk hand in hand to pull us down
Their population is immense throughout the city and this town
Everyone is so consumed with their work
That hardly one gets time to sit and talk
An addiction of complaining and blaming
There is loss in faith but no effort of gaining
Men have grown into ***** beasts
While their hunger satisfaction feeds on feasts
Here I am thinking of the many lives on this planet
Only the supreme beings survive
While the rest deplete struggling to thrive
This earth's natural beauty has been altered
And artificial makeups set to unify the sheltered
Natures creatures greet with signs
Hence, drawn our own boundaries and lines...

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