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Criminals are born to be wicked
Rules are made to be broken
Honesty is just to be tricked
Devils rule the whole world
Social harmony is a shackled nightmare
Wars are the blissful day dreams
Selfishness is in ghastly possession
Calmed by taunts and sufferings
You're not my glistened star
Cause I haven't seen any twinkling spots in the night sky
You're my LED or CFL
Yeah..This is what I can say..
Is this really so?
The little letters dance across the page,
Flaunt and retire, and trick the tired eyes;
Sick of the strain, the glaring light, I rise
Yawning and stretching, full of empty rage
At the dull maunderings of a long dead sage,
Fling up the windows, fling aside his lies;
Choosing to breathe, not stifle and be wise,
And let the air pour in upon my cage.

The breeze blows cool and there are stars and stars
Beyond the dark, soft masses of the elms
That whisper things in windy tones and light.
They seem to wheel for dim, celestial wars;
And I -- I hear the clash of silver helms
Ring icy-clear from the far deeps of night.
Leaves on a sloping grassy bank
appear to look like
an armada of ships
travelling along
The grass is looking
strikingly green
in the autumn sunshine
In the early morning
sitting on our bench
a tiny willow warbler
comes around
very tame
hunting for food
Use your heart less,
But don't be heartless!

Use your mind more,
But don't mind more!
It all started with an OM
a sound pure
filled with light
and ability to expand
with sacred energies.

It all started with an OM breeze
traveling cross
universal plane of galaxy.
passing stars of grand light.
Moving in graceful energies
Tickling consciousness
with sparks of Divine orchestration.

It all started
with the loving song of OM.
A song I carry in heart
steps of dance
in my life that is a gift.

StarBG © 2017
Inspired by chat with AKM-- Thank you
Even a wayside **** can ignite
greater passion in the heart
than a well potted garden plant
at the centre of a tastefully landscaped plot

Even a child’s prank can be more hilarious
than all the cranky jokes of an acclaimed comedian

Even in the warble of a lonesome bird
there can be more flooding melody
than in the well tuned violin of a music maestro

There can be greater poetry in a simple ditty
than in all the lines of verse in a great epic

A tear drop may contain greater salinity
      than all the waters of a great ocean
       Perhaps a simple nod of head or a wink of the eye
communicates much more than a whole bunch of words

I don’t know why I love the dainty flowers of May
than perhaps the exotic lotus of the day
Don’t we love the homemade fare served with love
      more than all the delectable cuisines of a posh restaurant
      The small things of life thus,
      prove much bigger than big things
      Just as the joy of life is not always ruined by fatal errors
      but by the recurrence of injurious little things,
      Greatness is achieved not through momentous actions
      but by the little things done in a great way
कभी जिनमें थे खोये हुए
इक दिन आखिर वही खो गए
जब खो दिया सब को यूँ जुदाई में
"ख़ुद" को पाया ख़ुदा की ख़ुदाई में

Once lost in someone
Eventually lost them one day
When lost all in parting like this
Found "self" in higherself's godliness
Divine union occurs when u find yourself
After loosing all!
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