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And just like that, dear,
I pulled the knives from my heart
And let the scars heal.
There I stood in Your mercy,
A single star in an ocean of galaxies
and yet
I knew
I was loved.
You are loved.
Do not cry, my dear. You see, men like him chase dimming stars, the most visible, blinking ones: flashing, burning, dying. Unstable.
But you are strong.
You are far too bright,
far too precious to be consumed.

Men like him are blinded by your light—fear it even. It pierces their void and makes them question.

So do not mimic the flashing.

Do not mimic the dying.

Do not waste your power—
your precious stardust—
on someone who does not value your light.
Keep your head up, dear. You are made of stars.
My heart is a home
Not a vacation spot,
A beach house,
Or a day trip.
So don’t step through the threshold
unless you are willing to pay a lifetime of mortgage,
manage the creaking floors
And handle all of the broken little parts.
My door is closed to visitors.
My door is closed to thieves with their facades glowing in dim moonlight.
My locks have been damaged,
curtains torn.
Please understand.
I am tired.
A warning to all who enter
You ring in my ears.
A blinding, deafening shriek
of perfect, kind words
Frozen shackles bind me
Come, seek, and find me.
Melt the chains which imprison
My inner being,
My everything
folded in these pages.

Shatter the cages
Where pieces of soul rest.

Fill the void in this chest
And free me.

Only when read,
Black and white words are bled
How words come alive
I used to hide from the night
because I believed it was alive.

A shift-shaper of my deepest fears.

I used to hide from the night
because (to me) darkness was just visual silence,
and I hated silence.

In silence, all I had was my mind.
In darkness, all I had was my mind.

I used to hide from the night.
Until I learned we were one.

I am mysterious, made of stars, powerful.
Like silence, I hold secrets, fear, ideas, potential.

I am the stars that pierce the darkness,
A roar of thunder that breaks the silence.
And I am not afraid.
Absence of light does not equal absence of power.
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