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I still cringe when I meet someone with your name

Your name

Like the slowest poison
It never leaves me

Just slowly eats away

Ah your name

How I wish I could eradicate it from my soul
 Mar 2021 ur mom
 Mar 2021 ur mom
I will want to kiss you
a lot
I hope you still have time for that
 Mar 2021 ur mom
Kim Denise
 Mar 2021 ur mom
Kim Denise
It's 11:11
and for the first time
after a very long time
I'm wishing for myself
and not for you
 Mar 2021 ur mom
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Mar 2021 ur mom
drunk on you
 Mar 2021 ur mom
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
 Mar 2021 ur mom
I don't think you understand
The way I fell in love with you
The way you became my whole world
The way you were the sun that lit up my days

I don't think you understand
The way I still feel your warmth
The way I still move to you like a tide to the moon
The way I still find comfort in your light

I don't think you understand
When I said forever
I meant it
When I said unconditionally
I mean it
When I loved you
I meant it

No, I don't think you understand
That you'll always be in my heart
 Mar 2021 ur mom
Ten Mercado
in 5 years
i could’ve grown
a forest
if i planted
a tree
every time you lied
to me,

but i never
knew you were
until it was
too late
to even
tend soil.
 Mar 2021 ur mom
my mom warned me
about the drugs in the streets
but never about the ones
with blue eyes and a heartbeat
 Mar 2021 ur mom
 Mar 2021 ur mom
Would any body like to adopt my grades?
Cuz I can't raise them myself.
 Mar 2021 ur mom
I was born.
I haven't died yet.
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