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 May 2015 Eve
Grey is the color of my eyes.
They stare past meadows and glades,
probing the blues and reds of sunset skies
to find black stone, dead and alone
where this vibrant life, may atone
and die.

I tire of these sensational tales;
these tear jerking moments of love and loss.
There are no tears left to pour from this grail
of dead wood. There are no more coins to toss
into this well of souls; tired and alone;
dead and lost.

In that well;
In those eyes;
Grey reigns king over fickle trust.
In this naked temple, on knees so tired.
I pray for an end to love and lust.
In this heart of frozen steel and wire,
I beg you. Let me rust.
 May 2015 Eve
Epileptic son
 May 2015 Eve
You ask me
To snap out if it
Like it's a choice
Like I'm hurting
By desire
And not a compulsion
Fate has
Bound me with

You cry
For all these materialistic things
Your teeth have gaps
And you had to get it fixed
I cry
Because I have seen a mother
Trying to get through
Her son's epileptic brain
And let him know
She loves him.

You say you know
The pain I must feel
But can you
Can you really?
I remember all the times you were there
But I also remember the majority of nights
When you were not

I had to battle alone
All those days
Darker than most of the nights
You were busy
Getting laid

my issues
Were downplayed
And I was blamed
To be the one
Eclipsing your happiness
And I apologised
Who needs razor blades
Your words
Make deeper cuts
And no one can even see the harm

I was fine before
Always Maintaining my distance
As if the plague inside me
Will create havoc
The moment I
Get near a happy soul
I'll infect them
With the misery
That I am

But you were different
You gave me hope
You showed me there was another way
And just like that
I thought I was saved
But I was not
The flood came
When I was fully assured
You were the life boat
And you were gone.

You were an illusion
I mistook for pure magic
You were the toxicant
I hoped would cure me
You gave me hope
Only to ****** it
Away from me
And the walk back home
All alone
Has never felt this lonely

Why did you hold my hand
Only to let me go
Why did you give me shelter
Only to kick me out
When I get used to the warmth
Why did you assure me
You'll be here
When that was never the part of your plan

And now I look at the mother of epileptic kid
Whose pain lasted longer
Than she ever will
Her eyes have lost their light
She is oblivious to my hands
Holding hers
Don't you dare tell me
It gets better
Cause it never does
You can't make someone love you out of pity.
 May 2015 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
It's like we just push on with it further
And we never even bother
Yet all we do is just hurt each other
We say goodbye like we mean it
But turn back in less than a minute
Bring it up and embrace not the thought
Say we should break up and doing it not
It's a winter whose snow feels hot
I like the way we move on,back to this very spot
Back into each others welcoming arms
Feeling the impact of each others breathing lungs
And our hearts beating neath our chests
It's clear we only break up into love
Maybe hurting some more's what we deserve
To realize that it won't work, it scares me to admit
"It's over" but I cannot tell you when we meet
All I say is let's do it again one more time
And all you say is I should write you one more rhyme
The question is when will it be the "lastest" my friend
When we cannot bear to abide to the end
 May 2015 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
In truth lies a content soul soaring free
In lies is a heart guilty tethered to tree
 May 2015 Eve
JK Cabresos
Holy is Your Name,
Author of Salvation,
hear my soul crying,
catch my spirit falling.

Wash my sadness away,
hurt my eyes to praise,
Jesus, You are all I need
forever is all I embrace.

Guide me into the woods,
ignite the fire in my heart,
a heart that once was lost;
peace my mind at war.

Love for the sinners,
light for the shadows,
sunshine in the thunder,
these are all I ask from You.

Lead me to Your path,
I hide my fears and rejoice,
take me with Your grace,
and I follow your voice.

I call upon You now, Jesus,
on these bended knees,
hear our soul crying,
catch our spirit falling.

Love for the sinners,
light for the shadows,
sunshine in the thunder,
these are all I ask from You.
 May 2015 Eve
 May 2015 Eve
I really hate you,
I swear, you're gonna be the last person in my life
I just want to punch you, really hard
'cause the bad memories are all that I'm thinking about
It's good to hear,
that this will be the end of us.
*hate = love*
 May 2015 Eve
KM Ramsey
 May 2015 Eve
KM Ramsey
i am not your blooming flower
i don't belong in your
garden kingdom populated
by perennials and ruled by
thorn stemmed rose bushes
where you go
to seek solace and discover
the bursting lightness of
that sensuous pain when
blood erupts from that
thin line where
the white fatty layer threatens
to spill out into the world
and stain your white carnations.

and i never promised you
that it would be pretty
and that one day you would be
able to look at those sensationless slices
and see more than just
an act of scarification
that i asked for
that i endured
but the physical embodiment of
that internal scream that
bounces off the sides of my chest
and shatters the crystalline lattice
that protects my dispassionate heart
from your touch
as soft as the downy feathers
of the spring's children
emerging from their
incubator eggs to
greet the world where they
will fall before they fly
and i will impale myself on
the pyre of their sacrifice.
i can't keep promises i never made
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