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 Sep 2017 Eve
Sleep, Sleep
 Sep 2017 Eve
I lie awake
awaiting sleep
I lie in wait
For a moment's peace

But this restless energy will not leave me be
No wide yawns or heavy lids will come to set me free

"Sleep, sleep"
I whisper, in tune to my heart beat
"Drink me"
The coffee at my bedside tempts me

I close my eyes and start to count sheep
"Sleep, sleep" I whisper softly

"**** it" I eventually groan
reaching for my coffee
Drank too much coffee. Cannot sleep
 Sep 2017 Eve
Slow Down
 Sep 2017 Eve
Quarter of a century;
How quickly the years go by
Still no life plans for me
Just more dreams to pass time
As I look on at the world racing ahead
While I,
I slow down to love
It's my birthday today, and I was thinking about how little of a plan I have for my future. I just really want to spread as much love around as I possibly can until I can't anymore
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