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 Sep 2017 Eve
Sad All The Time
 Sep 2017 Eve
I'm sad all the time
Not for any reason, just because
I want to break down and cry
When I think of who I was
Vs who I am

I used to have dreams
Now I only crave sleep
I used to want to fly
Now I'm content with crawling
I was a person with a calling
Now I struggle to find a reason to get by
written about my many depressive episodes where it feels like I've been visited by a dementor and I'll never be cheerful again
 Sep 2017 Eve
Dark n Beautiful
In the beginning
There were Adam and Eve
There was kindness,
and there was peace

The bible said that it was paradise
and there was  Cain and Abel
The people said the serpent came
With the rain, which angry the Gods
There have been numerous deaths
This time there were no bodies
but their souls seem to vanish

I am here pondering does he truly knows
What love is? He thinks being said I love you
On every chat, or the ending of a chat
Simplify anything;
We can have anything we want in life,
But we can’t have everything.

I might say that’s an understatement
Despite our wants;
I never say I love you to another person
Unless I truly meant it within,
To experiment with another ones heart
And mind, is downright cruel
Some humans isn’t human at all

 Sep 2017 Eve
Ashly Kocher
The clouds roll in
The storm is starting
Rain is falling
Wind is howling
Darkness appears
The sun is no longer
People flee
Animals take shelter
Others hunker down
Braving the storm
48-72 hours
Of a catastrophic storm
Hits our country
With major damage to be done
We pray for you
We pray for safety
God will shed his light
The sun will shine
Things will be repaired
Life will go on...
I have family and friends in Florida. Please pray for everyone's safety in the massive storm heading to land.
 Sep 2017 Eve
here can lay the power
if you are receptive,
to let you see the world
from a new perspective

it can be the filling
or icing on the cake,
send you off to peaceful sleep
or keep you wide awake

it can liberate your thoughts
from a recess dark and deep,
make a poor man rich
or help a mute to speak

by your side all the time
like a faithful friend
it can stay with you
to the very end
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