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 Feb 2020 Fateha Ferdousy
She said:
I'm ready now -
Ready to be
in love

He said:
Someday, soon.
You will meet someone
who will constantly
and continually
move you.

She thought:
Not you?

He thought:
let it be
I write what I see,
Because I am blind.
I write what I hear,
But I am deaf.
I write what I feel,
But paralyzed.
I write what I smell,
In my burnt nose.
I write what I taste,
The only sense left,
And thank the day,
Because it can be worse.
She is satisfyed
With all the trouble
Cause she know,
She has the power
Of wiping them all.
By imagining her
Decorating her happiness,
Which belongs
Only to her
With love, dreams
And nature.
Yeah,not a fairytale
Not a luxurious story.
Just a brush to
fullfill her life canvas,
With fantasy.
#imagination #fantasy
She was so strong
Yet so weak
Her head full of chaos
But afraid to speak
She looked like the moon
Calm and perfectly born
But who knew
Inside her, lay a storm
She longed for someone
Who’d put her volcanoes to rest
To anchor her emotions
During moments of unrest
She believed in no one, but herself
For everyone she trusted
Had given her their betrayal best
After all the treachery
She was left with nothing but pain
But all she longed for
Was to love and trust again!
She was betrayed by everyone she loved. Yet she longed to love again. For all she knew there were others like her, who were wounded and were afraid to love too. But as they say, love conquers all fears, here she was, waiting for someone who'd kiss her wounds and make her come alive again!
 Jan 2016 Fateha Ferdousy
Don't make a promise
You don't intend to keep

Don't put dreams in someone's eyes
You know you cannot fulfill

Don't touch a wound
that you cannot heal

Don't charm someone into falling for you
when you're going to leave

Don't be unkind
always keep in mind
things that go around
always find a way
to come back through
And the ones you leave behind
will one day
rise and shine.....!
There exists a place on earth
Where one can find true peace
A place away from stress and pain
A place where all of it will cease

For some, it's near the ocean
That a calm can always be found
The waves carry all the stress away
With that familiar relaxing sound

The coolness of the water,
And the warmth of sunny rays,
It doesn't take very long at all
Before the world melts away

For others it's the forest
That sets their mind at ease
The world feels completely still
When you're surrounded by tall trees

The air somehow feels calmer
It smells remarkably fresh
Some birds tweet in the distance
And your thoughts again can mesh

So often we get caught up
In the worries of the day
We forget to worry about ourselves
And take some time away

So whether you go alone
Or with someone you hold dear
Make sure to find the time you need
To make your head feel clear
I have had such horrible writers block for a few months now. Every time I tried to sit down to write a poem, I couldn't come up with any inspiration. Then when I finally did, I couldn't put them into the right words. The result was confusing poems that I didn't really feel that proud of.
Happy to say that after some much needed time away, the poem came to me and I am proud of it. Starting the new year back on track with some relaxation and some poetry. Hope you all enjoyed it, and can find time to relax and clear your heads in the near future :) <3
Snowflakes are fragile feathers pouring out from pillows of the sky, falling elegantly, ever so silently, resting on the cushioned flooring.
Icy wind breathes over frosted tops of Evergreen trees, powdery crystals fall onto My lashes, forgotten moments begin to appear in flashes;
As laughter echoes from every corner, the cool air starts feeling warmer, I remember the times I spent in winter playing carelessly, without any worries, twirling merrily, Like the flurries of snow. 
Delicate flakes dissolve as they kiss my face; soon these memories will also evanesce. Life is brief like a snowy day; So be grateful and enjoy every day!
...Delicate daisies
bathe in crystalline dewdrops
Preparing for dawn...
..She tried to find herself
in places that didn't exist
Aaargh! Can't believe I won the daily! Thank you to everyone who liked and shared. Lots of love.

— The End —