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Micah Aug 2016
I have your heart in a vise and I'm tightening the screws
Watch me wring you for every bit of joy you thought you had
You are on my worktable and after I dry you to the bone, I'll go to work on you
I will whisper sweet nothings into your ear as I pull out your fingernails, one by one
Say my name, you will beg for me, I will give you nothing but agony, but you will still thirst.
The title is a pun on whom this is about
  Aug 2016 Micah
Bianca Reyes
I swear ink runs through my veins
A piece of paper passes as my heart
I hold your hand like a pen
Press it against my chest to feel
Every beat leaves a word written upon it
Endless poems and prose
You inspire even when you're gone
Shared  on Hello Poetry on July 14, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah

Wow!!!  Getting the opportunity to have this poem be recognized as a Daily really means so much to me.  Thank you to everyone who has shown some love.   You're all amazing. Love is amazing and more of it should be spread  throughout the world!
Micah Aug 2016
Paroled, I step gently into the soft dawnlight,
I feed on the cold that wraps around my ribs,
And the little sleep that clung to my eyes is purified.

I am suddenly stunned motionless by the silence,
The difference is tangible in its almost gentle touch,
The oppression is lifted and my tears are called to reverence.

The morning is upon me, with it is rebirth,
The death of darkness at the holy altar of life,
And the birds, in rustled rhythm,sing to me of my worth.

And the baptism is complete, the water hath crossed my head completely,
I will live now  in the blues of the sky, the greens of the trees and browns of the earth,
I will make my home in the nests and burrows of the world, make my bed on the wind,
I will eat over the fire and bathe in the rain; soles on mud, I will make my way in the unknown,
This is my promise to you, I will reside in the beauty of this realm and seek it willingly.
The darkness will not hold me down
Micah Jul 2016
"Are you cowards?" I asked, "Why do you try to escape.
Life is a teacher, heartless but wise."

In pity they looked upon me, as if for the first time.

"Sweet little soul" they answered,
"there is yet innocence in you, devoid of the demons we seek to ****."
Micah Jul 2016
I dreamt often often of this moment
This merging of our bodies
This dance that everyone plays with you
I wanted to show you I was different
But you had already built your home in the Tundra
I hadn't known how much you hated the summer.
Micah Jun 2016
I crave it, that feeling of fulfillment,
I crave what my mind has not truly known,
The freedom it had only glimpses of,
in between half-finished verses and smudged sketches,
Through the letters spotted by tears and laughter that sometimes ripples through,
I've had enough of defense mechanisms and inferiority complexes,
I'm done with shallow conversations and half-deaf relationships,
Dumbing down for a larger audience is not worth my confidence,
I ask only for a truly open heart and a world that will yet again not listen.
  May 2016 Micah
Brent Kincaid
Sometimes it rains a bit
And you aren’t prepared
But it can be rather pretty
So, don’t be so scared.
It cools the temperature
From the clouds above,
Makes a walk the kind
The kind you grow to love.

You won’t need an umbrella;
So what if it’s a smattering?
Nothing wrong with that,
A bit of misty spattering?
Just a bit of a shower
Nothing bad in that.
Be a very happy person,
Under the brim of a hat

A bit of a puddle at times
Depending on your shoes.
It is not a big tragedy
No reason for the blues.
It’s just you and nature
Enjoying the day together.
Mother Nature and child
Spending time with each other.

So go ahead and wander
Out in the misting rain.
Take a cleansing saunter
Let weather clear the brain.
Celebrate just being here
A world gone squeaky clean
Like a painting by Monet
In an artist’s magazine.
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