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You don't need to bend over
Your ***** falling out your shirt
Exposing your body, and your image
You don't need to pretend to be a ****
So that people will like you
Because in those cases, they don't like you
They like who they think you are
And you're not that person
You've still got self dignity
Hold on to it
One of my favourite poets on here has a profile pic and it just makes me really sad.
 Jan 2014 fallen ara
i saw you with her
my heart shattered,
just when it was being fixed
i saw the way you looked at her
her eyes were full of joy
i saw the way you held her hand
you didn't want to let go
i saw the way you talked to her
as if you wanted to spend all your time with her
i saw the way you kissed her
like it would be your last day seeing her

i saw

 Jan 2014 fallen ara
Lexy Garcia
how marvelous it is that in only seven years,
your hands will have never been laid upon my body.

in seven years,
i will have left this worn out city
and have found love at least once more.

in seven years,
my body shall be elegant
and my words ever-so-wise.

in seven years,
you will lust for my touch,
for i will be beautiful.

in seven years,
our paths may once again collide.
perhaps in some small coffee shop,
but only one that plays smooth indie
and hosts open mic nights for aspiring writers.

in seven years,
you will remember how much i appreciated
those small coffee shops,
and the other small things that life has to offer.

in seven years,
i will be sitting there,
in that very coffee shop.
drinking my coffee and
working on that novel i've always wanted to write,
i will be.

in seven years,
you shall take a glance,
and take note of my profound beauty.

in seven years,
not only will beauty glow from the outside,
but it shall radiate from the inside as well.

in seven measly years,
when you remember who i am,
and the part in my life
you once played,
all you will be able to do is simply
 Jan 2014 fallen ara
Running out of days
My breath is becoming short
The whispering wind begs me to stay
Hoping for a twist in this plot

Please don't take my soul
Not now, not just yet
But it's beyond my control
Must cherish this journey of no regrets

Let's build our own little fort
Where no one gets hurt and no one dies
Hopes and prayers are my last resort
As we bid melancholy goodbyes

Oh darling, take my hand
My grip is getting weaker
Prepare yourself to let go, unplanned
Since my skin has turned paler

Soon my sleep will become deeper
Craving for a final moment with you
Before falling into this eternal slumber
Before my time due

Oh darling, wipe your tears
Those drops are precious
Go to our little fort, take shelter
And reminisce how our memories were tenacious

Raising a white flag
One more moment, please
I solemnly begged
Alas, closing my eyes at ease
I saw you standing there all crying all alone
The tyrant in your life that you could not dethrone
When did you become such a poor lost soul
When did you lose all control
I see it as an old lost tale
One that repeats silently beneath the veil
From the depths of hell you came
Into this never ending repeat frame
You never really ever understood
Why people didn't try when they could
You hated to see them make a wrong choice
And forever they will lay without a voice
You tried to reach out with love
All you received was a push and a shove
This world it doesn't care
About what is right and what is fair
Those are meaningless things in this day and age
Everyone is filled with greed, lust, and rage
So we will forever just sit here and burn
Waiting on the final return
The day we that we leave this life
Get away from all of our strife
You are a fool deep down inside
You don't even know with who to confide
No matter what is going on inside your head
Remember that when you lay down in bed
Being alive is privilege and a gift
Denied to many as they fall into the rift
I don't care about your past
It doesn't start you in last
But who you are today
That is how you should determine your way
Look around and see who you are
And you'll see me standing from afar
Waiting for you give it your all
When you plunge under and take the fall
That is when I shall take your pain
And make it into my own gain
I will drag you down straight back to hell
And remind you of the pain when you fell
Forever and ever will I torment your soul
In a deep dark never ending hole
So go ahead and cry
I won't tell you another lie
No one will hear
No one will tear
This is your last story
Where are those blazes of glory?
 Jan 2014 fallen ara
I fake a smile
And say I'm fine
I hide my scars
And calm my mind
I starve myself
And dry my eyes
I hold it back
And keep it inside

Welcome to my diary.
This is the real me.

— The End —