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some people never go crazy.
me, sometimes I'll lie down behind the couch
for 3 or 4 days.
they'll find me there.
it's Cherub, they'll say, and
they pour wine down my throat
rub my chest
sprinkle me with oils.
then, I'll rise with a roar,
rant, rage -
curse them and the universe
as I send them scattering over the
I'll feel much better,
sit down to toast and eggs,
hum a little tune,
suddenly become as lovable as a
overfed whale.
some people never go crazy.
what truly horrible lives
they must lead.
there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.
we are always asked
to understand the other person's
no matter how
foolish or
one is asked
to view
their total error
their life-waste
especially if they are
but age is the total of
our doing.
they have aged
because they have
out of focus,
they have refused to
not their fault?
whose fault?
I am asked to hide
my viewpoint
from them
for fear of their
age is no crime
but the shame
of a deliberately
among so many
 Jun 2016 esperanza torres
 Jun 2016 esperanza torres
Let me break your heart.
Rip your world into pieces
And destroy who you thought you were
Then I'll ask if we can be friends. 
Funny isnt it?

That's your logic.
hair down, lips plump,
tangled in a tapestry
I bore my skin
like a broken down Goddess of sensuality,
the comments
were crude
providing me with the sought-after
satisfaction I can only get
when lusted after
in the most lewd and shameful ways.
The caption read
"I need relief"
now I see,
what I really need
is resolution.
 Jun 2016 esperanza torres
You would be my sculpture.
I'd spend hours on you.
Your face had taken shape,
Your neck was molded new.
I formed your pale legs,
My clay perfect for the fit.
For days I worked on your torso,
For days I only patiently did sit.
Solidifying was real quick,
And I had to be careful.
You could break if mishandled,
I needed to be gentle.
You still had your eyes closed,
So I kissed your dry lips.
But you still couldn't hold me well,
Despite your arms around my hips.
And so I carved your hands,
And caressed them in mine,
Then finally you entwined our fingers,
At last we held back time.
To koreen and her Dearest.

An artist would make art out of the one dearest to her/him, and missing them would supply the will to finish the piece. But no matter how many sculptures, paintings and sketches I do, they can never compare to the real you. One day, I believe, you will hold my hands, and for that time to be the golden seconds of my life, I will not loosen my grip and let go.
My gravity
My light
Infinitely shining  
Saturating your being
With sensuality
A comet shooting through
Your body with insistent need
Filling you up with
Bottomless provocation
Ripening in spring nights
With the promise of diversion
The romance of moonlight
Eclipsed by arousal
Caught in my orbit
Your shooting star
Blazes through my constellation

I hunger for your sea
Flooding my mind
With a surge of longing
Rippling through my body
In spasms of desire
Churning my craving
Into waves of passion
White tipped rollers
Tantalisingly out of reach
I surf through your touch
Swelling, twisting - finally
Breaking in a crest of elation
Before ebbing slowly
Back into the calm expanse
Of salacious bliss

(C) Pixievic
Another one of my fantasies involving nature.....
Tonight I laid my head down,
wanting to finally get some rest.
Again the thoughts kept coming,
I really am trying my best.

My mind begins to wander,
The thoughts come all to quick.
Intentions only of dreaming,
My plan won't seem to stick.

My mind frustrated and shouting,
No telling when it will cease.
It's become a mental prison,
And I pray for its release.

Curious where my dreams are,
Has the shouting scared them away?
Unsure how long it's been now,
I see the Sun bring in a new day...

- James Arce
This is the first work I've written that I've ever shared to anyone.
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