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Want to be Happy?
Forgiveness makes freedom yours
And opens those doors

To truth, peace and love
a pathway you will treasure
Joy beyond measure

And all who know this
Know forgiveness comes from love
It can't be ignored

The truth yours at last
That love comes from Christ Jesus
All you do is ask
I John 4:8  God is Love
it's everywhere
though no eyes can see
but it can be felt
sometimes blissful
sometimes mournful
no genius can grasp the existence of it
no one could comprehend
it's beyond perception
it's complex
it takes place everyday
it's veracity
no drug could cure
no one could cease
no one could hiatus
and everyone felt it
though it fade
but when time comes
another will came
though it ache
but when time comes
it will heal

©IGMS 2014
love is inevitable
and so does pain
I do not
cross your mind.

You occupy
every nerve
in mine.
One day the moon stepped aside for the sun to take its place.
Apollo had never been bashful, but he dug his heel into the dirt and swore you were the center of the world.
Quite frankly, my dear,
It was only a matter of time before I was drawn to you.
i am the poorest of all the beggars
looking for love in all corners of these streets
if only i was the owner of this world
i want to buy just a single fraction of your heart
but love cannot be bought
so it is still useless even if i am rich*

Filipino Translation :
Mas mahirap pa ako kaysa sa mga pulubi sa
Ninanais na mabigyan kahit kapiraso lang
na pagmamahal
Kung sana ako ang nagmamay-ari ng mundo
Nais ko sanang bilhin kahit kapiraso lang ng
puso mo
Pero hindi naman nabibili ang pagmamahal
sa mundo
Wala paring kwenta kung mayaman ako
I can still see you,
Whispering black, wisps of night even in the light.
I can still hear you,
Cascading thoughts, memories not mine but define.
I can still feel you,
Tears streaming down, mirror my face yours in place.
I can still call you,
Conversing aloud, we ride together always forever.

Mother, I say.
I'm alive one more day.
Daughter, you say.
I'm still here so just stay.

How long will you ride with me?
And why was it destiny?
These questions just burden me,
But it's my indemnity.
Copyright 2015 - Crystal J. Wright
to create balance
there must be

i think
the only fair thing
in this world
is to be unfair*

of all the words and letters
is the hardest word to achieve*

if only there was you and me

— The End —