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Em Dec 2015
The man I thought you were is haunting me even in my dreams.

The man who valued loyalty,

The man you had me convinced that you were.

He makes me cling to my dreams.
He makes me question if everything you ever said was a lie.
He shows your true colors.

You see, I never fell for you,
I fell for the man who haunts my dreams.

I fell for the man who love
his country,
his God,
his family.

I fell for the man you portrayed yourself to be.

Even I should have seen past all of that.

But the one I thought you were still
Written 12.15.15

I see who you are now.
  Dec 2015 Em
I keep on waiting
For him to have that feeling
The same to what I'm having

But waiting seems like forever
Turning the burning passion just into a fever
Slowly being remedied by the cold truth
That I might be waiting for nothing
Just waiting for someone who might not be waiting for me *****.
Em Nov 2015
At this point, I don't even care that it's over.
I know it had to end.
What I don't understand is how you could lie to me.
How you could sit there and tell me that there was no one else.
How you could say that you loved me, when you really didn't care.
I don't get how those words were just words for you.

But maybe, since you've repeated them to - only God knows how many - different faces, those words, that I held close, lost all meaning to you.

I don't want to be another girl that you loved.
I don't want to be another girl you cared for.

Real or not, I don't want to be that girl.

Maybe the lies became too much for you to keep up with. Maybe you honestly realized I deserved more.

I refuse to believe that it was all a lie, but I can't distinguish between fact and facade with you.

I think it was like I said in the beginning: you loved the idea of me.
Written 11.30.15
Em Nov 2015
I'm sitting here heartbroken over a man who didn't know me, while I try to forget the only one who ever really did.
Em Nov 2015
You taught me how to love, but never how to be loved.
You showed me the beauty of trust; the bond of friendship.
You were never mine, but I yours.
You weren't my first kiss, and you won't be my last.
But, you were my first love.
My first real, true, deep love.

I don't even know if you realize how much I love you.
Or if you ever will.

We haven't spoken in months, almost a year.

You voice has faded,
Your laugh is gone,
Your smile is lost,
Your embrace has vanished.

Yet, my love for you remains untouched.

It always seems to come back to you.

You ******* me up real good, without even realizing it.

I wonder when I realized I loved you.

Was it when I couldn't breathe while in a room with you, but I couldn't imagine being anywhere else?

Was it when we were young, simply enjoying each others company?

Or was it when I realized the interactions I had with you - no matter how short or how long - were what got me through the day?


It was always you.

I admitted today that if I was to wait for anyone to fall for me, it would be you - and only you.

I've tried hating you.
I've tried letting go.
I've tried forgetting you.
I've tried moving on.
Believe me, I've tried.

But for some reason, I always come back to you.

If you could see me now you'd tell me I'm crazy.
But maybe you're right.
You make me crazy.

I miss you more than you know.
More than you should be allowed to miss someone.

You were always my favorite "hello" and hardest "goodbye".

I used to be angry at you - resentful even that you left.

You started the patterns of goodbyes.

But I'm not mad anymore.
I just hope you're happy now... wherever life has taken you.

Because, you taught me how to love..
It'll always be you.

Written 11.29.15
Em Nov 2015
It's funny.
You knew how ****** up my past was. You knew how much I had been hurt before.

I thought that would've stopped you.

I thought you would have had some sympathy.

I thought I was ****** up before you.

I don't think I knew what ****** up was.

You said you enjoy people's pain? Well you'll get a kick out of this:

My brother told me that he loved me and I literally flinched. My first reaction was to ask why he was lying to me. I went on a date and the guy grabbed my hand. I was physically shaking. I couldn't help but remember when your hand was the only one my knew.  Knowing that you slept with her on the days you couldn't make it to me, kills me inside. I thought you had chosen me, but apparently I was just someone to waste your time.

One day someone is going to come around and you won't play games with her. You'll fall for her, and she's gonna ******* up. Bad.

One day you'll experience loss.
And hopping into bed with the next  girl who will put out, won't conceal your pain.

Soon you'll learn.
One day you'll realize.

I just hope for your sake that you find a way to deal with the pain.

But don't come back to me when you need someone to numb your pain.

Don't come back, ever.

You walked away.
And frankly, I don't want you back.
Written 11.29.15
Em Nov 2015
God, I'm so stupid.
Why did I let my guard down?
Why did I believe you?

You made me feel safe, that's why.
I thought you loved me, maybe that's why.


I doubt you even know the meaning.

I could have had anyone,
and I chose you.
I picked you.
I wanted you.
I trusted you.

I loved you.

I looked past the warnings of my family, of my friends, and of my own fears.

And I chose you.

I realize that you will never own up to what you did.
You'll never admit your lies,
or that I was just a pawn,
in some twisted game of yours.

I know I'll never get answers from you.

But if I did, why would I believe you then?

You're a liar and a thief.
You stole something that was never intended for you.

Something I can't get back.

I hope you got what you came for,
because it obviously wasn't me.
Written 11.29.15
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